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Seriously, when will she run out of ways to make a damn notebook?

Not today, people. Not today.

You can stitch em, you can glue em, or you can just staple them. Well today we’re adding eyelets to the party using one of my very favorite tools, the Crop-A-Dile. Now there is a good chance you have no clue what I’m talking about. Here’s the rundown.




Now that you’ve familiarized yourself with this almighty tool, here’s a look at how I used it to make these little notebooks. Trust me, you’ll be happy that I’m making another notebook…or maybe you can just lie to me and say that you are.

Eyelet Bound Notebooks | damask loveSUPPLIES:

  • Martha Stewart Mini Scoring Board
  • Embossing Stylus
  • 1/2″ strips of colored cardstock
  • Eyelets
  • 4 1/4″ x 5 1/2″ text weight paper
  • 4 1/4″ x 5 1/2″ patterned paper
  • Crop a Dile


{1} Adhere strips of cardstock to the edge of the patterned paper

{2} Score the patterned paper right next to the solid cardstock edge

{3} Place a small stack of paper between the covers

{4} Use the  3/16″ hole puncher to punch the center of the notebook edge

{5} Place an eyelet inside the punched hole

{6} Use the eyelet setter to clamp this center eyelet close

{7} Punch holes on the top and bottom of notebook edge and secure with eyelets

Eyelet Bound Notebooks | damask loveAt this point, you’re pretty much done, and you’re saying to yourself, “thanks, amber for another notebook tutorial!” Right? Humor me.

Eyelet Bound Notebooks | damask love

Eyelet Bound Notebooks | damask love

Eyelet Bound Notebooks | damask love

Eyelet Bound Notebooks | damask loveSupplyListHEader

Keep on crafting with these other posts

66 thoughts on “Eyelet Bound Notebooks

  1. Love it so cute. Iā€™m going to have to try this and run perforator on notebook paper using cardstock strip as guide.

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