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It’s officially gift card giving season. It’s that time of year when procrastinators load up on gift cards and scour the house for a creative gift card holder. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not knocking all your gift card givers.  I would rather walk barefoot on a floor strewn with Legos than step foot into a shopping mall right now. I’d rather watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians on a commercial-free loop with toothpicks holding my eyeballs open. I’d rather eat a bowl full of candy canes…and I hate candy canes. Almost much as the Kardashians.

So, today’s post is for all you gift card givers. I’ve got your back with a simple project that will make those gift cards a little less generic and a whole lot more fun to receive. Keep scrolling because this is gonna be gift cards like you’ve never seen ’em!

Gift Card Holder Printable

You will need:

  • Martha Stewart Scoring Tool
  • Embossing Stylus
  • A piece of patterned paper cut to 4 7/8″ x 12″
  • Scissors and decorative scissors
  • double sided adhesive
  • Large circle punch

Gift Card Holder Printable

  • Create three score lines on the patterned paper at: 4bar, 5″ and 6 1/2″
  • Fold the paper at the middle score line and use the large circle punch to create a small notch

Gift Card Holder Printable

  • Use scissors to cut slits on either side of the circle notch
  • Lay the paper flat and place a piece of double-sided tape along the inside of the third score line

Gift Card Holder Printable

  • Fold the paper together as shown and adhere. On the inside, you’ll have flap pocket for holding a gift card

Gift Card Holder Printable

  • Close the card then fold the extended flap down and cut with decorative scissors

Now for the fun part! Add some color and some sass to your gift card envelopes with free printable labels that will give that plain old gift card holder a serious dose of awesome.

Gift Card Holder Printable

Gift Card Holder Printable

Gift Card Holder Printable

Gift Card Holder Printable

Gift Card Holder Printable

Gift Card Holder Printable


Graphic Design/Printables: Kristen Magee of Paper Crave and K.Becca

Styling, Crafting and Photography: Amber Kemp-Gerstel



Keep on crafting with these other posts

11 thoughts on “Easy Gift Card Holder + Free Printables

    1. were you able to download the printable? You can either click the hot pick graphic that says “this download is one click away” or you can click the actual image of the printable page on the bottom of the post. So glad you like these and happy crafting!

  1. You had me laughing with “what you’d rather…”… I completely agree… Thanks for sharing a cute way to jazz up giving gift cards!

  2. Handmade gifts are always the best that can be. But far from always there is inspiration and time for this. If you need a gift right now, I advise you to explore the range of the Global Sources marketplace

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