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I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area. On weekend’s my mom and I would make a trip over to Fisherman’s Wharf to galavant with the tourists. As a kid, I loved looking through the tourist shops and to this day, I have a penchant for tacky snowglobes and ugly tourist tees. I distinctly remember each shop having a metal carousel of miniature license plates that had names on them. Every time I passed one, I scanned to see if “Amber” could be found among all the Amys, Andrews and Amandas. Nope. Amber was never there. It was such a let down. These days, Amber is a much more popular name. Today’s population of Ambers will never know the struggle of finding a personalized mini license plate. Modern day Ambers have it easy.

There’s a good chance that you can relate to the license plate struggle. We’ve all had a moment, trivial or otherwise where we felt out of place or like we weren’t represented.  Like when Elle Woods showed up in that Playboy bunny Halloween costume or when you dig through your pile of paints and come upon a shade called “Flesh.” For reals? Last time I checked, “flesh” comes in a host of shades and the paint they’ve dubbed “flesh” most certainly looks nothing like my skin tone.

The Perfect Paints for Skin Tones | damask loveS


On Episode 4 of NBC Making It, you saw me win the Master Craft Challenge with my Valentine’s Day porch display. Besides my utter obsession with all shades of pink, I knew this challenge would give me a chance to take Simon’s advice and be a bit more “surreal.” With the help of a few wooden mannequin hands and some diverse shades of spray paint, I went to work on a Valentine’s day display featuring lots of personal and quirky elements. In the spirit of bringing a bit of diversity into your craftroom, I wanted to share a super simple project that celebrates every shade of the human rainbow – and every corresponding shade of craft paint!

For this project, I’m switching out wooden hands for terracotta pots. They are cheap and readily available at JOANN, in the vase section (duh). With a bit of paint, these pots become perfect Face Vases that reflect the beautiful shades of faces in our community of makers. Imagine how much more personal your face vase would be if you created it in your own likeness! Well, sisterfriend, you’re one bottle of paint away from making it happen.  Let’s do it:

You’ll need:

The Perfect Paints for Skin Tones | damask love

  1. Natural Buff
  2. Warm Beige
  3. Mocha
  4. Cashmere Beige
  5. Honey Brown
  6. Raw Sienna
  7. Milk Chocolate
  8. Dark Chocolate
  9. Traditional Burnt Umber

The Perfect Paints for Skin Tones | damask loveOnce you’ve selected your paint color and painted your terra cotta pot, you can add a little personality with lashes and lips!

The Perfect Paints for Skin Tones | damask love The Perfect Paints for Skin Tones | damask love

I used gold glitter vinyl for the lashes and a few different shades of vinyl for the lips. If you don’t have access to a cutting machine, you could totally add these elements with a paint pen!


The Perfect Paints for Skin Tones | damask love

The Perfect Paints for Skin Tones | damask love

The Perfect Paints for Skin Tones | damask love

And now that we’ve tackled the topic of skin tone paint colors…can someone PLEASE tell me why I can only find vinyl in two shades of brown?!

The Perfect Paints for Skin Tones | damask love

The Perfect Paints for Skin Tones | damask love

The Perfect Paints for Skin Tones | damask love

Now it’s your turn to create your very own face vase using your own personal shade of paint! If you don’t see your shade represented in this bunch, take a peek at the other colors available in the craft paint aisle!

I can’t wait to see your version of this project. Be sure to share with me on Facebook and Instagram by tagging @DamaskLove.

Keep on crafting with these other posts

18 thoughts on “The Perfect Paints for Skin Tones

  1. I love your blog! And I love you on the show… I wish your craft room was an AirBnB. Would love to vacation there! You have so many cool toys!

  2. Amber!!! A spoiler alert notice is necessary for today’s post! I can’t watch Making It on Tuesdays, so I watch on Wednesday night while I eat my dinner. My sister and I watch it together and we like to guess who the judges will pick to win. Congrats on the badge win though. 🙂

    1. PS I love this craft idea. I’m hosting a girl’s night next month and I think I’ll make these as a gift, potted with a succulent.

  3. I absolutely love this! Without a doubt! You are so creative! Now I’ve got to run off to watch last night’s episode.

  4. OMG! These are absolutely adorable! Since I don’t have a green thumb, I may have to do this with artificial plants, LOL! Loved your porch project. When I heard what the challenge was, I said out loud, “Amber’s got this one! This is her world right here!” So happy for you!

  5. your porch, with all the personal elements and the range of diverse skin tones, was perfect. Definitely was the winner. Thanks for bringing this issue onto national tv. cannot wait for next week!

  6. Congratulations on winning the Master Craft challenge! Your Valentine porch was Awesome! Your face vase project is adorable!

  7. I love the masterpieces you come up with, the porch and shed were pure genius. I want to live in your creative space because it just spells fun. You really seem to enjoy the process of whatever you are tackling.

  8. No spoiler alert for me – I saw the show and knew you’d take the win! My grandsons were here yesterday to tell me they are watching the show, and to make sure I am too. Imagine having a discussion like that with two boys, ages 11 and 8. I told them to keep an eye out for you especially; that I’ve watched you on HSN and your talent knows no end. This is a wonderful project you’ve shared today.

  9. I want to paint one of my store’s mannequins to have brown skin but aerosol spray paints would give me an asthma attack. Do you think this type of paint would work on an already painted mannequin? What type of brush?

  10. Most girls love all sorts of interesting things to care for their skin, hair, body, and so on. In general, the vast majority of girls love home decorations and so on. There is a cool store decorators warehouse customer service that has a huge selection of Christmas gifts and other home decorations. I’m sure you’ll like it.

  11. When selecting the perfect paints for skin tones, it’s important to find shades that highlight your unique undertones. Similarly, if you’re considering a more enhanced look, Lip Fillers Los Angeles CA offer a non-invasive way to achieve fuller, more defined lips. A subtle enhancement can make a world of difference in your appearance. Explore the beauty of both the right colors and lip fillers for a refreshed, confident you!

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