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Every once in a while, it’s nice to sit down with a book. An actual book. The kind with real pages. Real paper pages. It makes me feel like a human…rather than a tech junkie and it reminds me that before swiping and gestures, there was page turning. It turns out that my absolute favorite resource for crafting inspiration is a book. This book to be exact. I’ve had it for years and even though the contents don’t change, I manage to find new forms of inspiration each time I flip through it. I figure there may be a few of you out there who might like to add this resource to your own crafting library, so I’m here to help you out with that!


Fridays are for Freebies No.3 | Damask Love Blog

Just comment on the question below to be entered to win! Comment entries can be made until Sunday, March 2nd at 11:59pm. Comments must be made on this giveaway post to be eligible. Two lucky readers will be selected via Random Number Generator and will be announced on Wednesday, March 5th. Winners will have 48 hours to respond and claim their prize.

Fridays are for Freebies No.3 | Damask Love BlogIn addition to this fun giveaway, I have an announcement that I’m excited to share – and I can only hope that a few of you will be able to join in! As many of you know, Cricut recently released their newest machine, the Explore and as a part of this release, I’m excited to partner up with them to throw one of their design workshops right here in beautiful South Florida.

If you are in the South Florida area and would like to attend this design workshop, please Contact Me and I’ll give you all the details of time and location. If you think you might want to roadtrip it down for this workshop, I’m happy to help you with that as well! Just let me know!

This workshop is totally free (!!!) and will include hands-on experience with the new Explore as well as face time with Cricut Representatives who will be present to show you the machine and answer your questions. There will be plenty of swag and projects as well!

I’m always excited when I get to meet Damask Love readers, so I hope some of you will be able to attend. Seats are limited so snag yours soon!Fridays are for Freebies No.3 | Damask Love Blog

Keep on crafting with these other posts

119 thoughts on “Fridays are for Freebies No.3

  1. I get a lot of inspiration from blogs, books from the library, vintage books.And Living magazine has been one of the best sources of inspiration in pretty much every craft you can think of.

  2. My favorite card inspiration (beside Pinterest!) is PaperCrafts magazine.

    I wish I was able to come to South Florida! Seeing as we are in for a freezing cold (I am talking single digits here folks. Yuck!) and snowy weekend…yeah. Warm weather would be real nice. Have fun!

  3. I follow several different blogs that give me inspiration, such as Saved by Love Creations, Ink Stains, and others. Also, love *design sponge and some retail sites like Thanks for the giveaway!

  4. I am an avid magazine clipper. They usually sit in a pile on my desk for awhile until I file them away in my inspiration notebooks. It’s great to browse for ideas.

  5. I usually use the blogs I follow like Damask Love, Jennifer McGuire, kwernerdesigns, Hi Sugarplum and others for inspiration instead of Pinterest. I would love to go to your workshop but Ca is too far away!

  6. All of the blogs! – especially the ones with videos, they are really inspirational and helpful when I am learning new techniques.

  7. I usually type in what I am looking for in Google and then I pick IMAGES. From there the sites and inspiration are endless:) Have fun!

  8. My favorite place to get inspiration is my vast collection of PaperCrafts Magazines and books – hmm it seems that I have seen loads of your stuff in some of those issues! Lately I have also been getting lots of random inspiration from visiting blogs. Thanks for the chance to win this great book! As far as your event on the 15th – I am so sad that I am only a few hours away and I have to WORK!!! Maybe another time…hope that it will be a huge success and the lucky ladies that do get to attend have a blast!!!!!

  9. I go through spurts of using Pinterest and feeling it is just a time-waster.

    I like the idea of organizing my inspiration though, so Bloglovin is my go-to. I have WAYYY too many blogs on my feed!

  10. Blogs are my go-to inspiration source. So many talented bloggers out there!

    Thanks for the giveaway and have a great weekend!

  11. Other than Pinterest, I find inspiration from blogs, craft products (paper and stamps) as well as random things like home decor and nature. Thanks for a chance to win!

  12. I do love Pinterest although it is very time consuming. My next source of inspiration is your Damask Love site! 🙂 Thanks for all the inspiration you provide and the chance to win this AWESOME Martha Stewart book! I love Martha Stewart & her products. I also love books. I work on a computer all day so it is nice to have inspiration in a book or magazine. I have printed out many of your tutorials and created my own craft book of inspiration.
    I sure wish I lived closer – I would so attend your workshop. How fun would that be?

  13. I find my inspiration from You Tube, craft books and magazines.
    Also, I love nature. I our backyard we have bluebirds, cardinals and morning doves. Just looking at them each day is so relaxing and enjoyable. That scene gives great inspiration.

  14. I do follow Pintrest but when that doesn’t give me inspiration, I check out some blogs I have in my bookmark menu (You are there) and even check out some old cards I have made that show on my Flickr account.

  15. I post things to Pintrest, but don’t often go to it for inspiration. I’ll visit the etsy site or search etsy emails or emails from flax & twine…or Damask Love! 🙂

  16. Apart from Pinterest I love looking at magazines, You Tube videos and books from the library (and if I really like them I buy them).

  17. Other than Pinterest, I subscribe to blogs written by talented people like you, Amber. I also have a subscription to a digital magazine.

  18. My go to resources for inspiration are other blogs, magazines and the craft store-I like to just walk around the craft store and I get inspired-most of my unique ideas I came up with on my own develop that way.

  19. OMGosh, I love Pinterest and admit that I spend LOTS of time on pinning. But I love how I can keep track of things that I love. One of my other resources is following blogs (like yours of course and MS too). I enjoy using my relax time to read my email updates on blogs. I love reading the posts with what inspired them, the tutorials, and of course the inspiration they give me.

  20. Other than Pinterest I spend way too much time looking at different blogs, including one of my favorites DAMASK LOVE 🙂

  21. Other than Pinterest I follow several craft blogs for inspiration. Damask Love, Kerri Bradford, Vintage Revivals, & Lori Whitlock are the main ladies I follow in my email. I have a digital cutting machine and a general interest in many types of crafts so I find ideas I like from there and then sometimes “Google” something I like (like letter pressed stationary) to see if I can find a blog somewhere that will show me how to recreate something similar at home. That is often how I find neat blogs like these to follow. And I get a zillion ideas of things I’d like to make “someday”!

  22. I love to read multiple crafty blogs and I also get a lot of inspiration from my talented sister. She can think of the cool ideas – I can only copy them!

  23. My inspiration comes from blogs, Pinterest, magazines, craft books and you tube videos. I find all sorts of crafty ideas on You Tube. Thanks for the chance to win Amber!! Enjoy your weekend!

  24. go-to inspirations are crafty stamp blogs like yours!!!! and a few others that I buy stamps from. but mostly, yours!!! you’ve got some rockin’ stamping ideas that are like no other 🙂

  25. I have a lot of scrapbook blogs I look at daily and those usually have great things on them and they give me some great ideas. Thanks for the chance to win!

  26. Yes, like others I love Pinterest because it introduces me to other websites (that’s how I found this one) and then I go back to those key sites over and over again. Magazines and craft titles from Better Homes and Gardens are always a go to place for ideas and inspiration as well. Thank you for posting this contest, but mostly for your ongoing inspiration to all of us. Linda

  27. My inspiration comes mainly from blogs like yours! It would be great to win that book, thank you for the chance!

  28. My other go-to resource lately has been you tube video tutorials. Great bloggers like you, plus Kristina Werner, Jennifer McGuire, Lawn Fawn to name a few.

  29. My inspirations are from TV (like Hallmark Home & Family), Martha Stewart, magazines, Pinterest and blog land of course. Since I am a creative person I am always looking for a new project! Just finished up hosting a baby shower last night, everyone was so sweet complimenting on the decor, food, and the thoughtfulness. Makes all the work worthwhile. Thank you very much!

  30. Damask Love! I take it where it leads me, gotta love the hyperlink! Besides that, I also like roaming the craft store aisles and consider Martha Stewart a “goto” source.

  31. Hi Amber!! I bombard myself with email subscriptions from my favorite card makers and my favorite companies who sell my favorite card making supplies. I’m inspired by many advertisements about products, from graphics and photos of hunting, home decor, landscapes, jewelry, etc. Sometimes, I even get inspiration that is so left field from what I’m looking at, that I have started sketching layouts and notes in a notebook, otherwise I think of them and if I don’t act on them as they come to me, they are gone forever. Writing them down is the next best thing. I love books, thanks for this chance to win a crafty one from Martha.

  32. Etsy is a treasure chest of inspiration. As an aspiring indie artist/crafter/creative what have you, I love seeing the hard work that people put into their homemade products. I am especially inspired by the art prints, stationary, the embroidery patterns, and the jewelry I find. Sometimes I think “Oh I could try making something like that.” Other times I think, nope, not a chance, and add it to my shopping cart 🙂

  33. Oh I so wish I could come! I’m from Sarasota originally and would totally come if I still lived there! (I’m in Chicago now.) I would love to meet you and soak up your crafting genius! and talk with the cricut peeps too! I have so many questions about the new explore! I switched from cricut to silhouette so I could make my own cuts and use print and cut. I’m really interested to see the explore’s capabilities (their videos were very vague).

    1. I totally forget to answer the question! I love finding gift inspiration on Etsy. I also frequent YOU, Damask Love, a ton (my go to source for packaging inspiration)! For cards and paper crafts I love checking out Papertrey and Studio Calico’s design teams. Under a Cherry Tree is full of great tutorials for hybrid paper crafts. I love mixing traditional paper crafts with graphic design.

  34. I might be a little old school, but I still use google images! If there is a certain stamp or item I want to use and need inspiration, i just use google to see what other people use. Pinteret is good too but searching for a specific item is a little hard!

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