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There are levels of love. There’s the kind of love where you get your Valentine a box of chocolates from the gas station. Actually, that’s not love. That’s contempt and hatred because gas station chocolates are a one way ticket to splitsville. Then there’s the kind of love where you get a box of chocolates from the grocery store. Not stellar, but acceptable. Just above that is the kind of love that requires a box of Godiva’s or some other schmancy candy shop. That may just get you a little bit of V-day lovin’ if you follow it up with a nice dinner. Then there’s the kind of love where you hand craft your own box of handmade chocolates. That’s how you let your Valentine know that you’re in it for the long haul. That you want to grow old together. That you want to sit at dinner and stare at your phones and ignore each other. That’s real love. That’s what today’s post is all about.

I’ve been wanting to do this project for YEARS. Years, I tell you! But somehow, Valentine’s Day comes and goes and this project doesn’t happen. Well, no mas, friends…no mas. This year I bring you my own version of a box of chocolates and I think you’re gonna love these. At least, I hope you do! If you don’t love them, just lie to me and leave a comment saying how this project has changed your life.

These paper mache boxes had no idea what I had in store for them and those styrofoam balls were none the wiser when I snagged them off the shelf. I took these simple craft supplies and turned them into something that your Valentine will cherish forever and ever and always. Let me show you how it’s done…and be warned, this is a lengthy post but its a goodie. If you love me you’ll scroll through the whole thing then leave a comment or pin this baby. That’s how I’ll know you’re in this relationship for the long haul!


DIY Valentine's Day Box of Chocolates

You’ll Need:

  • Patterned Paper
  • a Paper Mache Heart Box like THIS one by Darice Crafts. It’s perfectly shaped to mimic an actual box of chocolates.
  • a foam brush
  • craft paint
  • craft glue
  • a pen or pencil
  • scissors

DIY Valentine's Day Box of Chocolates

  • Start by painting the paper mache box. You only need to paint the sides since we’ll be covering the top.

DIY Valentine's Day Box of Chocolates

  • Once you’re done you’ll have a box that looks like this!

DIY Valentine's Day Box of Chocolates

  • Trace the top of the box onto the backside of a piece of 12″ patterned paper

DIY Valentine's Day Box of Chocolates

  • Squeeze craft glue onto the top of the box…

DIY Valentine's Day Box of Chocolates

  • Use the foam brush to spread the craft glue to the entire surface of the paper mache heart

DIY Valentine's Day Box of Chocolates

  • Adhere the patterned paper to the top of the box. This will give you the basic heart shaped box for your chocolates and then you can decorate it however you want!  I dressed mine up with embellishments cut from my Cricut Explore and each image used is part of the Cricut Design Space subscription, which allows you access to a buttload of images for $9.99 a month. Hopefully, this project is proof that the subscription program gives you more than enough options for all your crafty projects!

DIY Valentine's Day Box of Chocolates

DIY Valentine's Day Box of Chocolates DIY Valentine's Day Box of Chocolates


DIY Valentine's Day Box of Chocolates You will need:

DIY Valentine's Day Box of Chocolates

  • Cut the 2″ smooth foam balls in half. A serrated knife works great for doing this. (If you want to make rectangular chocolates, just use a block of Smooth Foam and cut it into small rectangle shapes, then follow the same process.

DIY Valentine's Day Box of Chocolates

DIY Valentine's Day Box of Chocolates

  • Paint the halves then used the dimensional fabric paint to channel your inner chocolatier! This is definitely the fun part!

DIY Valentine's Day Box of Chocolates

DIY Valentine's Day Box of Chocolates

  • Last up – cut out a few 2″ circles from paper and write love notes on each one. Glue the love note to the bottom of each faux truffle to give your valentine a sweet keepsake!

DIY Valentine's Day Box of Chocolates

DIY Valentine's Day Box of Chocolates

DIY Valentine's Day Box of Chocolates

DIY Valentine's Day Box of Chocolates

DIY Valentine's Day Box of Chocolates

DIY Valentine's Day Box of Chocolates

DIY Valentine's Day Box of Chocolates

DIY Valentine's Day Box of Chocolates

DIY Valentine's Day Box of Chocolates

DIY Valentine's Day Box of Chocolates

DIY Valentine's Day Box of Chocolates

Okay, friends! Who made it all the way through? Let me know what you think about today’s DIY Valentine box of chocolates and if you decide to craft up your own box of chocolates, let me know!! I would love, love, love to see it!

Photography: Michelle Brener


Keep on crafting with these other posts

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