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Yesterday we made pencils. Today’s we’re making something for keeping those pencils organized and in one place…and this project is CRAZY easy to do. Like – seriously. If you think you can’t make anything, well sister, hold on to your hats and glasses. (Your glittered hats and glasses, no doubt).

easy apple pencil holder | damask love

Here’s what you need (and don’t blink, because this list is short)

  • clear acrylic pencil holder
  • black vinyl
  • two 1/4″ strips of red vinyl
  • White or cream vinyl cut to the height of the clear acrylic pencil holder
  • scissors
  • small heart punch

easy apple pencil holder | damask love

  1. Wrap the pencil cup with the white vinyl
  2. Wrap the red strips around the top and bottom of the pencil cup
  3. Punch a small heart from the black vinyl
  4. Cut the heart in half with scissors and you’ll have a seed shape
  5. Adhere the seeds to the cup and you’re done! Told you it was easy!

easy apple pencil holder | damask love

easy apple pencil holder | damask love

easy apple pencil holder | damask love


Keep on crafting with these other posts

57 thoughts on “DIY Modern Apple Pencil Holder

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