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I love candy but peppermint. That does not qualify as a candy. Somehow they’ve tricked us into thinking that toothpaste and candy should have the same flavor. I’m not falling for it. Peppermint is for one thing and one thing only: styling photographs.

Yeah – I know. I’m in the minority on this one. I’m sure there are a ton of your who love your peppermint flavored everything during the holiday season, which is why I crafted up today’s project so that I can give out free candy canes to all your peppermint lovers.

This project is inspired by these amazingly adorable wooden stockings that you can make at this week’s Home Depot Do It Herself Workshop.  The original project requires a jigsaw – which you may or may not own. So, I decided to come up with a version that didn’t require a jigsaw. In fact, you don’t really need any power tools to create this project. A miter box and saw along with a screw driver will do you just fine.

DIY Wood Wreath Candy Holder | damask love

DIY Wood Wreath Candy Holder | damask love

DIY Wood Wreath Candy Holder | damask love

If you saw last quarter’s fence post candy holder, the design of this wreath will look very similar. It’s a simple wood frame painted and dressed up to look like a wreath …and filled up with those dreaded peppermint candy canes!

DIY Wood Wreath Candy Holder | damask love

DIY Wood Wreath Candy Holder | damask love

If you want to create the stocking project that inspired this post, you can also register for the upcoming DIH workshop to learn how it’s done

I’ll be co-hosting the DIH workshop in Ft. Worth, TX this week so if you’re in the area, I would LOVE to see your face!

Today’s project is brought to you in partnership with The Home Depot. I received payment, product or both in exchange for this content. All projects, ideas, opinions and wackadoo stories are all my very own. Thanks for supporting the partnerships that keep the lights on in this joint.

Keep on crafting with these other posts

6 thoughts on “Wood Wreath Candy Holder

  1. Love this idea. I have an aunt in a nursing home and I would love to make this and put it on her door for the staff to treat themselves. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Don’t beat around the bush or say something you think will please your partner when it makes you unhappy. Try using “I statements” to express your feelings, make an observation, or share your opinion.

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