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When Markus was kicking around in my belly, I always described it as a climbing sensation. Like he was trying to crawl up my chest from the inside.

When Markus was born, they put him on me and dammit if that baby didn’t crawl up my chest and onto my shoulder.

Today, this babyman is seven months and some change. The climbing has reached new levels of cray.

Standing is his new activity. Standing and crawling through small spaces. Standing and crawling through small spaces and launching himself over whatever object might be in his path. Yeah. That about covers his current resume. Oh – and then there was that time yesterday morning when he figured out how to raise his body out of the Exersaucer and lower his entire 22lb frame to the floor. Head first. Thankfully, we’re vigilant and this kid has great strategy, so we have logged zero injuries. Even still, pray for me, people. My child is a monkey. And not the kind that sits and play with leaves. The kind that swings from ropes all day. This monkeychild is upwardly mobile. This just got real.

This sweet, calm, well behaved baby has added ninja warrior-spidermonkey-daredevil to his list of employable skills. He still doesn’t get angry or cry…unless he’s hungry. He still entertains himself with toys for hours. When we take him to restaurants, he still loves to sit and watch the people walk by. He still cracks up when I do my fake-high-pitched-sneeze routine. He’s still our little Chubba. He’s just upwardly mobile. And loving every second of it.

Thankfully, we are up for the challenge. No one has kids because it’s going to make your life easier. No one has kids because of all the sleep you’re going to get. We knew what we were getting into…sort of. I just need someone to get me an extra set of eyeballs for the back of my head. Can’t let this kid out of my sights for a second.

And if you don’t have a spare set of eyes on hand, how about you tell me your own experience with busy body babies. At least, I’ll know I’m not the only one raising a spidermonkey.


Keep on crafting with these other posts

18 thoughts on “Upwardly Mobile

  1. Well….. I have three comments. What a cutie. When do you find time to craft? And….. May the force be with you?

  2. Oh my goodness wait till he starts walking that’s when the fun begins. I have three sons and everyone of them gave me a run for my money. And I loved every moment of it.

  3. Your beautiful Marcus sounds like my grandson. They also happen to be the same age. He is as happy as can be but he “loves to move it, move it, move it”.

  4. If you were to allow me, I would smother his cheeks in kisses. And isn’t it amazing that you carry them for so long and then in a matter of months they’re upright and doing very human-like things? I think the first year of a baby’s life is insane in what they learn and how they grow. I haven’t even had this kid yet and I already want the time to slow down. At any rate, he’s beautiful and I think you should have 3 or 9 more just like him 😉

    1. I would absolutely allow you! Bring on those kisses! And yes- I want to put this baby in a time capsule and make him stop all this growing up!!!

  5. I just want to say how adorable your little Markus is. My family would tell you that it takes a special baby to get me to compliment it as, to me, most babies are just..babies. But every now and then I will see an exceptionally cute, adorable baby and that’s what Markus is. I just love his little face and I can see why you want to kiss it all of the time. Enjoy your life with that little sweetheart.

  6. My younger son is a spider monkey, too. He even calls himself that now. He’s been a mover and climber since birth just like your little guy. He’s five now. I had to get okay with moving him out of his crib earlier than I wanted because I didn’t want him to fall over the side. We had to move furniture out and around. Just be ready, girl. Markus is such a cutie!!

  7. when I see a baby like Markus we use the code word “busy”. Yes it sounds like you have a very busy baby there, the upside is he’s adorable! They have a swifter commercial out now that has the father saying “no deep couch sitting with this one”.( I’m going to have to remember that one). Good luck on developing those ninja skills for yourself.

  8. Well, my little one was a girl, hard headed as a rock, but still a girly girl. More about twirling than climbing. But my friend who had a little boy the same age walked into her kitchen one day and found her 2 year old son on top of the refrigerator. True story. Be vigilant, my friend. But enjoy; he is quite the little bundle of cuteness! And about next week this time, or so it will seem, he’ll head off to college.

  9. Aw!!! He is just darling!

    My daughter was like that too… she was always on the go. I remember her crawling early and pulling up on everything. One day, I turned my back for less than a minute and she was off (she waited for my moments of weakness to pounce). When I found her about 2 minutes later nearly stopped my heart. My baby was crawling up the steps!

    She’s been running ever since and continue to chase her nearly 18 years later!

    Enjoy the climb!

  10. Well Amber, since he’s a mover, I suggest one thing…get some rollerskates like Tootie wore on Facts of Life so you can roll with little Markus because this is only the beginning! Boys are movers. I kept my son in sports until his interests changed and he became interested in music. Now he is a band geek in high school. Lol! The band keeps him busy and he loves it! Still a mover at 17. Marcus is such a handsome little fella! On the other hand, he will help you get your cardio in! Hahaha!

  11. Markus is absolutely adorable and sounds like he has a lot of energy and creativity, just like his mom.

  12. He is lovely. You will have so much fun and pretty much be out of breath on a daily basis. I suggest bells on his shoes when he starts walking and remember if he is ever quiet that is a warning sign and must be investigated.

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