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Damask Love Manifesto + How to Make a Poster Hanger | damask love

I’ve been trying to post this project for months, but I’ve been to chicken to actually hit “PUBLISH.”
Let’s rewind to 2017. See, the end of last year was TOUGH! I was overly tired, overcommitted and completely unsure about what I wanted for Damask Love. There was a period of time when I had no clue what my next move would be. I was totally immobilized by overwhelm. Have you ever felt that?!
In an effort to focus my intentions I realized a few important things:
I think so very highly of you. I appreciate the time you take to read my blog posts and visit Damask Love on Instagram. I am grateful when you join me for a Facebook Live or leave a question or comment about Damask Love projects. I want to give you the very best and I want you to trust Damask Love as a great resource for creative inspiration and instruction. I want to bring you something special and different from all the other crafty content that is out there in blogland…there is SO SO MUCH OF IT OUT THERE!
From that, I decided to draft the Damask Love Manifesto. It’s a living It’s a living document that reminds me of all the things that make Damask Love different. I have it hanging in the studio to remind me of the intention behind each piece of content I share. I hope you love it as much as I do and I hope you love how I’ve decided to display it in the Damask Love studio.
Since I wanted this manifesto to be large and visible, I opted for my Canon PIXMA iP8720 Crafting Printer and some Canon Matte Photo Paper that comes in 13×19″ – perfect for a poster. I also used a few other supplies for my poster hanging…

You’ll need:



Separate the leather hanging strip from the wooden slats of the poster hanger.


Paint the wood slats in whatever pattern you want! I went for scallops!


Replace the original leather strap with some colorful yarn, pom pom and wood beads. This is where you can really have fun and get creative! Just thread a needle onto the yarn, then string on your embellishments.

Damask Love Manifesto + How to Make a Poster Hanger | damask love

Damask Love Manifesto + How to Make a Poster Hanger | damask love

Damask Love Manifesto + How to Make a Poster Hanger | damask love

Damask Love Manifesto + How to Make a Poster Hanger | damask love

Damask Love Manifesto + How to Make a Poster Hanger | damask love

What do you think about the Damask Love Manifesto? Did I capture all of the important elements of this blog?! What would YOUR manifesto say?! Share with us in the comments or on social media! Be sure to tag @DamaskLove so we can read all of your comments!

This project was completed in partnership with Canon. All projects, photos and opinions are mine, mine, mine! Thanks for supporting the collaborations that keep the lights on in this joint!

Keep on crafting with these other posts

27 thoughts on “The Damask Love Manifesto + How to Make a Poster Hanger

  1. You’re my virtusl friend check in with everyday. I don’t even have that connection with my best friend! I appreciate the time you take to do your live posts on instagram. See you tomorrow!

  2. I can’t imagine you would ever second guess YOU! Do you know how AMAZING you are? You are the ONLY blog I follow regularly – and have for several years since I found you. I’m not a stalker – you have the best blog! You are so creative and I enjoy your sense of humor!
    You’re Manifesto is excellent! 🙂
    What would my manifesto say? Hmmm – I’ll have to think about that…

  3. Any chance you can make these two prints for sale? I’ve been looking for the perfect prints for my office/craft room and these are them! Thank you!

  4. I love the new Damask love Manifesto. My favorite product at Joanns is the all crapbook paper.

  5. Oh what a fun spin on the typical “mission statement” of a biz! Thank you for the inspo!
    P.S. I learned about your blog on Rachel Hollis’s podcast interview with you…which was GREAT!

  6. I love it! I am glad that you are such a lovely person and willing to share your passion. I first heard of you from Making It. I wish that show was still on.

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  9. This post is an absolute creative delight! 🌈 The Damask Love Manifesto is like a burst of inspiration, and the tutorial on making a poster hanger is the perfect hands-on bonus. Thanks for turning DIY into something so fun and accessible. Can’t wait to jazz up my space with a touch of Damask Love magic

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