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Valentine’s Day is behind us…but love is still in the air!

With all the cuteness and whimsy included in this year’s 1st Collection released from Clear and Simple Stamps, I decided to take the opportunity to create a pair of cards that are lush and lovely.

It’s no secret that I love damask patterns. I used this love as inspiration for today’s cards along with my love of building patterns.

I reached for two of the stamps included in the Love Cupid set and used them to build a beautiful damask-inspired pattern that is perfect for an anniversary or wedding card.

Keep scrolling to see my tip for creating this design on your own!

Until Later Loverlies,
Amber D

Now for a quick tip:
Whenever I am creating a background pattern, I like to divide my cardstock into four equal quadrants. I use a pencil to lightly draw lines down the middle of the length and width of the cardstock.
I did just that this this card, then used my stamps to stamp evenly within each quadrant. This ensures that my stamping is even! 
For this particular pattern, I left an empty space down the middle, since I knew I’d be covering it with ribbon!

Thanks for stopping by today! Have a fabulous Saturday!

Keep on crafting with these other posts

5 thoughts on “Style Watch: Lush and Lovely Patterns

  1. Valentine’s Day may be over or love is everlasting! so i will give you advise to choose this 1800 GSM Glacier Hoodie why? this will make your look good and you will full of confidence after wearing this

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