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No papercrafting in today’s post – but cute and fun nonetheless!
I am just heading to bed at this ungodly hour (it’s 5:34am right now!) because I’ve been preparing for a baby shower that I am catering tomorrow (technically, this) afternoon. The shower has a sports theme, so the menu is full of fun snacks and finger foods that any sports fan would love! I am looking forward to digging into the spinach artichoke dip and homemade tortilla chips that I made. 
In addition to the savory snacks, I made 10 dozen cupcakes (yup, that’s 120 cupcakes!!!) and decorated them with a sports theme. I am definitely not a professional when it comes to cake & cupcake decoration, but I think I did a pretty good job for my first time!
Here’s a pic. 
Have a happy Saturday!!
p.s. the football cupcakes would be GREAT for Superbowl next week!
If you have any questions about these cuppy cakes – just send me an email at [email protected]!

Keep on crafting with these other posts

28 thoughts on “Sports Themed Cupcakes

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  4. How about not just translating the theme of the ball into a cupcake, but depicting the symbols of people involved in sports (or rather their silhouettes) a man throws a ring, a swimming man, etc. It would be great too (hopefully)

  5. How about not just translating the theme of the ball into a cupcake, but depicting the symbols of people involved barbershop kissimmee fl in sports (or rather their silhouettes) a man throws a ring, a swimming man, etc. It would be great too (hopefully)

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