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After my first “reasons” post – I decided that it might be fun to tempt you all with a few more of my favorite creative tools by listing out all the reasons that I think you should be adding to your stash. Far be it from me to tell you what to do with your money, but let’s be honest – we crafters are not known for our frugal ways. We like to grab up the best creative goodies – so I’m here to simply steer your wallet in the right direction!

Today, I’m on a mission to turn you into a notebook making fiend…just like me. It’s obvious that I love making notebooks so it only makes sense that I would own The Cinch Binding Tool from We R Memory Keepers. Here’s why you should have one too:

Six Reasons You Need The Cinch | Damask Love

Six Reasons You Need The Cinch | Damask LoveWe R Memory Keepers does a great job of offering incredibly innovative products that are really easy to use. Unlike other binding tools out there, The Cinch includes all of the instructions you need directly on the machine, so no need to keep up with a manual. Hallelujah.

Six Reasons You Need The Cinch | Damask LoveWhenever I purchase a new notebook, I feel like I need to wait to use it…like the pages are too precious to actually touch. But here’s the problem: I’ve been known to write down a to-do list of things I’ve already done, just so that I can cross something off the list …thereby creating the semblance of productivity. Please tell me I’m not the only one.

With such excessive list-making practices going on, I really have to have plenty of notebooks on hand to keep up with myself and I don’t want to feel guilty about using up the notebook pages.  If you’re a list making fool like I am – The Cinch will make you feel a little better about jotting down notes. As soon as you fill up one notebook – it won’t take long to make another.

Six Reasons You Need The Cinch | Damask Love

There is another binding tool out there called the Bind It All. I owned one for years – but never used it. It was just too much of a pain…literally. The lever was really tough to push down and I could only punch through a few sheets of paper at a time. At one point, I had a sore bicep after using it. That thing is in craft supply heaven.

Just like Sade, The Cinch is a smooth operator. The lever does not require much exertion at all and the weighty machine stays in place as you use it so you don’t have to deal with securing it as you punch your pages. It also can punch through super thick book board with ease and can handle up to 20 sheets of text weight paper at one time. Six Reasons You Need The Cinch | Damask Love

It’s not quite the same as when Oprah handed out all of those cars, but trust me…notebooks make an awesome gift and with The Cinch, you can create handmade notebooks for all your friends. You can personalize them with pretty paper or monograms. You can customize the colors for a special occasion or select exactly the size you need. Whenever a birthday rolls around, you can whip out The Cinch and make a pretty notebook, then package it up with some pens and you’ve got a great gift (trust me – I’ve done this plenty of times and the recipient is always happy!) No need to scour the aisles of Target for a last minute present. Make it yourself.  Six Reasons You Need The Cinch | Damask Love

If you need a little help getting started with The Cinch – there are kits that give you everything you need. You can make a desk calendar, a wall calendar, a recipe book or a journal. Each kit contains all the basic components you need and it’s just up to you to dress it up with embellishments, stamps, paper, photos or whatever else you want. These completely customizable kits let you flex some crafty muscle without figuring out what supplies you need to stock up on. The kits are an especially fun way to get beginners involved or even your kids!Six Reasons You Need The Cinch | Damask LoveThe Cinch is on the pricier end of crafting tools. It rings in at about $90 bucks which is nothing to scoff at, but if you are a paper love like me – this machine will pay for itself over time. A stylish notebook can easily run you $10-$20 and you don’t even get the DIY bragging rights that we all love so much!  Once you have The Cinch tool in your arsenal, you can create notebooks for about $1-$5 each depending on what supplies you use. Considering the many gifting options you have with this tool, it won’t take long before you’ve made the purchase worth your while. Now, if you don’t expect to use this tool very much – then of course, this will take a bit longer…but chances are, if you have one, you’ll come up with lots of ways to use it. Handmade planners, photo books, personalized desk calendars…get creative!

Now you know I wouldn’t pitch you on this fun tool without giving you the chance to win one! You have until Friday, January 20th to enter below and the winner will be announced on Saturday, January 21st. Good luck and happy crafting!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Keep on crafting with these other posts

256 thoughts on “Six Reasons You Need…

  1. I love reading your posts and today’s post is typical of your sense of style – funny (just like Sade, a smooth operator :), informative, and wonderfully written. Just this week I was wishing I had a tool that could put together little Valentine notebooks – maybe my wish will come true! If not, your posting has made me put this tool on my wishlist for my birthday next month. Thanks for always brightening my day with your creative ways!

  2. I love notebooks! I seem to always have a ton, I will start writing in one, but never fill it up and then start a new list or goal in a new notebook….so I’ve got several notebooks that have a few pages written in them, but never get fully used. I would love to make my own notebooks, but haven’t done that yet! Thanks for the chance to win! 🙂

  3. I love making notebooks! I have had my eyes on the Cinch for quite some time now. I own a Bind It All and love it but would love to try a tool with a bigger punching platform. Thanks for the chance to win!

  4. I love making notebooks. However, I have never used the cinch. I have made them by hand and sewn the middle with a tapestry needle and thread. It is harder to do, but it I would love to have a cinch.

  5. I LOVE to make notepads, notebooks, journals, etc. I’d be beyond excited to win my very own Cinch ! Fingers crossed !

  6. I could join you in a support group…I am constantly making lists on pieces of papers and then trying to find them. I need to put them in a notebook. And we r memory keeper make wonderful tools…would love to win this cinch.

  7. I purchased a large, bulky and extremely heavy machine that I thought I would use all of the time. I used it once, then lent it to a friend who used it once. I’ve had said machine since 2007. I’ve wanted a Cinch ever since I saw it, but I can’t buy it until I sell the other one. So, is anybody interested? Only joking!!Thank you for all of the great opportunities you give us to win amazing products.

  8. I have a screw hole punch that I used when I took a book binding class back in college. I use it now to punch the holes myself and it takes forever! It’s such a tedious task but I love making handmade books/notebooks/planners (among other things) so this tool would be so perfect…and it will give my hand a break from punching holes 🙂 Thank you for the opportunity to win this gift!

  9. You are definitely not the only one to create lists to then cross something off! And also, nice Sade shout-out:) This Cinch looks pretty fun and user-friendly. Thanks for providing this review!

  10. I have not made my own notebook before! But it sounds awesome to be able to customize them and tailor them toward the recipient – what a great gift idea for so many people!

  11. I love to make notebooks! I create most of my by combining old children’s story books and text paper – I call them dream journals. My kids collect and save books for me to make them new books. If i won the cinch binding tool I would give it to my daughter who is studying creative writing in University so she can make her own books for class. I already have this tool and LOVE it!

  12. I have the Bind-it-all and have made several notebooks with it. I would love to switch to the Cinch, but have been hesitating because of the cost. It would be awesome to win one! Thanks for the opportunity!

  13. I have made my own notebooks, completely inspired by you and the series you did a while back. I would love to have a Cinch.

  14. I have used my friends “Cinch” many times and it is an awesome tool. Thanks for reminding me how much I want one.

  15. Many years ago I used an old binding machine with the plastic spines that I never liked to make notebooks, bind my own books and make gifts.
    It would be great to use this Cinch to get an updated finished book look! I love your site – you have such amazing ideas and tutorials Amber, thanks!

  16. I have made notebooks before (the old fashioned way with the plastic coily thingies…and the bind it all) but would absolutely love to have the cinch. Looks a whole lot easier!

  17. I never knew that this product even existed! I’ve never made notebooks, but I love love them and if I do get my hands on this lovely little machine, there might be no stopping me hehehe. Thanks for the chance to win!

  18. This would be wonderful to use to make art journals! You could use whatever paper you like and is best for your artistic endeavors!

  19. I am just a BIT like you…I have only made about a hundred notebooks. But mine tend to be little ones. Like the kind that go on the little O-rings. Probably because I don’t have one of these cool machines to help me out. Hint, hint, hint! ; )

  20. It is so fun to make notebooks from whatever paper I choose. It would be so much more fun and much easier to assemble with a Cinch.

  21. Following WRMK and you of course, on Instagram…
    Really great article because I’ve been thinking of buying myself a tool like this. Contemplating on the BIA but the nearest craft store my place carries The Cinch.
    Oh and yes I’ve done several notebooks (journals and even a planner hehe).
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  22. I always add something I have just done to my to-do list and immediately cross it off. It helps me see at the end of the day that I actually accomplished something (even if it wasn’t on my radar in the morning!)

  23. I love making calenders… but with the Cinch wow…I would be making all sizes of calenders….and journals…and notebooks! Thanks for the chance to win

  24. I have been reading comparisons in binding tools and looking for a good coupon do I could buy a cinch- I would so happy dance if I won one!!! I have altered a composition notebook but not made a notebook. If I had a cinch I certainly would make a bunch!

  25. Looking to do some bookbinding for the first time as a gift for my author boyfriend, a tool like this would make it so much easier!!

  26. This looks awesome! I have never made notebooks even though I’ve oohed and ahhed to myself over so many handmade notebooks!

  27. Yes, I have made notebooks before. I bound them together with either string or staples. The Cinch sounds like it would be an awesome tool!

  28. I have the bind it all – and have been wanting to get the Cinch for a while now… would love to make small calendars and notebooks. I did a few mini notebooks for my daughter’s birthday as party favors! Can’t wait!

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