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Did you see the announcement?! Cricut is launching a new, faster Explore in a family of pastels…pink is my fave…shocker. In honor of this newbie, how about a few of my favorite projects crafted with the powerhouse Cricut Explore.

  • These are my kind of flowers
  • Four words…Glow in the Dark!!
  •  Are. You. Kidding. Me. These festive chargers are everything! Like seriously. Gimme.
  • These last minute costumes are definitely “Eye Candy”
  •  I’m not sure who you’re voting for. Me? I voting for….this.

Creating a tassel tote bag has never been easier or more stylish. Usher in the summer with this tote that will turn heads.

Cricut Tassel Tote Bag

Keep on crafting with these other posts

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7 thoughts on “The Round Up: Best Cricut Projects

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