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When you are a one woman blogger-mom-psychologist-wife-lady-who-likes-her-eight-hours, there is constantly juggling going on. I’m not complaining. Busy feels good. But sometimes, something’s gotta give – lest it be my sanity. In this case, I’ve become a little lax in my regular blog posting. On purpose…and for very good reason:

Damask Love is undergoing a pretty sizable overhaul with the help of my beloved web gurus at Roundhouse Designs. We are working behind the scenes to develop a great new site. The new home for Damask Love will include all your favorites plus a few exciting additions.

There will forever and always be your must have craft & DIY tutorials – because that’s what I do best. You should see the state of my craft desk right now. Hot. Mess. Express. There are so many projects waiting in the rafters. Get excited, people. Trust.

As for the new stuff,  I’m taking a plunge. And, I’m scared. I’ll be sharing more about me. About my life and about my journey as a blogger. Here’s the dealio: I feel like we’re friends. Is that sad? Pathetic, maybe? Well, it’s true. Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye. I feel like we are homies. Buds. Amigos. Partners in crafty crime. So naturally, there are so many conversations I want to have with you that go beyond the 1-2-3 of how to make a stationery organizer (although, I think we can all agree that organized stationery is of the utmost importance).  Let’s get down to the nitty gritty. Like, why do people leave hateful blog comments ? Or, how I am still figuring out how to feel like a human after having a baby. The struggle is real.

It’s all in the name of keeping it real and stoking the fire of my creative passions. Let’s keep this ride going. We’re homies, afterall.


Keep on crafting with these other posts

58 thoughts on “Life::Renovations

  1. It’s great when a person has a hobby. But I agree with the latest commentators that different people have different hobbies. I myself am more inclined to watch matches (football, hockey, golf)

  2. Well, well.. Frank)) In fact, this is more of a women’s blog, so I’m not surprised that they don’t write about classic men’s hobbies) Yes, I knew several women who attended all the matches of their favorite baseball team with their husbands. But these were rather exceptions to the rule. I myself follow cricket in Kenya closely. This is a rare hobby these days. Most fans only watch the world championship. But I don’t regret doing the research about the best betting sites in kenya. This helps me earn extra money from my interest in sports in Africa.

  3. Great post! Balancing everything is a juggling act! Excited about the new site design and the deeper, personal content. Looking forward to connecting on a more human level, beyond just craft tutorials. It’s like navigating life, sometimes feels like constantly playing the Slope Game, dodging obstacles but always moving forward!

  4. Hey everyone, I totally get the feeling of wanting to connect on a deeper level! It’s like, we build these online relationships, and it’s natural to crave more authenticity. Sometimes I just wanna vent about real-life stuff instead of just tutorials. LOL.
    Speaking of real-life…anyone else playing Monkey Mart on the web? Seriously, even that simple game has its stresses – balancing the bananas and coconuts, am I right? It’s funny how we can find escape in little things.

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