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I don’t know about you, but I can appreciate a good ombre. *wink.

I can also appreciate a good colorful autumn craft project. With Halloween behind us and Thanksgiving fast approaching, I’m doing my best to bring a little fall color to our home before I go full Christmas-mode…although, I may have started watching Hallmark movies already.

In the spirit of a “color-fall” season, I’ve crafted up a sophisticated take on pumpkins that is perfect for your Thanksgiving table or buffet. Bring on the DIY paper pumpkin wall art!

celebrate fall with bold colors and these easy DIY paper pumpkin wall art pieces. All you need is paint!

celebrate fall with bold colors and these easy DIY paper pumpkin wall art pieces. All you need is paint!

DIY Paper Pumpkin Wall Decor | damask love

DIY Paper Pumpkin Wall Decor | damask love

celebrate fall with bold colors and these easy DIY paper pumpkin wall art pieces. All you need is paint!

DIY Paper Pumpkin Wall Decor | damask love

Once you’ve painted your pumpkins, use a hot glue gun to mount them into a frame and you’re done! I love these dimensional pieces and they add some great color to our home.

celebrate fall with bold colors and these easy DIY paper pumpkin wall art pieces. All you need is paint!

DIY Paper Pumpkin Wall Decor | damask love

celebrate fall with bold colors and these easy DIY paper pumpkin wall art pieces. All you need is paint!

DIY Paper Pumpkin Wall Decor | damask love

DIY Paper Pumpkin Wall Decor | damask love

celebrate fall with bold colors and these easy DIY paper pumpkin wall art pieces. All you need is paint!

Are you in the mood to paint some pretty pumpkins?

Keep on crafting with these other posts

5 thoughts on “DIY Paper Pumpkin Wall Art

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