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Miami is a diverse city like none other. Most everyone in Miami speaks Spanish and you can get a cafe con leche much more easily than you can order up a chai latte. Now that I’ve lived in Miami for a while, I’ve come to learn a ton about Latin American culture and traditions…but my favorite is the Columbian tradition for travel. In Columbia – on New Year’s Eve, you grab your suitcase and go run around the block. This guarantees a year of traveling and adventured. Guaranteed. It’s science.

In the spirit of a travel-filled 2017, I used my Cricut Explore to tackle a project I’ve had brewing in my brain for years: DIY leather luggage tags. If you haven’t heard me go on and on and on and on about cutting leather in my Cricut Explore…well…I’ll spare you the rambling and point you THIS blog post where I break it all down.

To create your own DIY leather luggage tags, you’ll need to head over to Cricut Design Space and use THIS canvas that I’ve designed for you.

click here for the DIY LEATHER LUGGAGE TAG project in Cricut Design Space

DIY Leather Luggage Tags | damask love

The Explore will cut through tooling leather like nobody’s business…just make sure you’re cutting with the Cricut Deep Cut Blade.

DIY Leather Luggage Tags | damask love

DIY Leather Luggage Tags | damask love

Next, I used Angelus leather paint to decorate the leather – you’ll want to use leather paint for this! It’s super durable. I even accidentally put one of these leather tags in the washer and none of the paint chipped off!

DIY Leather Luggage Tags | damask love

DIY Leather Luggage Tags | damask love

Use embroidery floss to stitch together the two sides of the luggage tag cover. Stitch in and out, going up and back each side of the luggage tag until you get back  to your starting point, then tie them in a knot as shown

Now that you’ve got the cover finished, time to add your personal information to the inside. Use the Cricut Explore to cut and write your deets – then laminate it all using the Xyron Sticker Maker.

DIY Leather Luggage Tags | damask love

DIY Leather Luggage Tags | damask love

DIY Leather Luggage Tags | damask love

DIY Leather Luggage Tags | damask love

Thread the leather strap through the laminated paper then tie floss through the hole. Then wrap, wrap, wrap the floss around for a sturdy hold.

DIY Leather Luggage Tags | damask love

Pull the strap through the cover and your luggage tag is done!

DIY Leather Luggage Tags | damask love

DIY Leather Luggage Tags | damask love

DIY Leather Luggage Tags | damask love

Happy travels! Do you have any fun NYE traditions in your family? Have any of you done the walk around the block with your luggage?!

Photography: Devlopz

Props: Prop Planet

Keep on crafting with these other posts

27 thoughts on “DIY Leather Luggage Tags

  1. What a cool luggage tag! I haven’t seen any like this. I really like the versatility! Thank you for the inspiration!
    I didn’t know about the “walk around the block with your luggage on NYE” tradition but might need to use that one! LOL Our tradition is the general “what to eat on New Year’s Day”… Black-eyed peas for luck, greens/cabbage for money, and ham & cornbread to make it a meal… I’m not sure about the luck or money but the meal is good! 🙂

  2. What a fun-sounding tradition! I haven’t heard of it before, even though I’ve spent NYE in Miami. Must be because my Miami family is all Cuban, not Columbian.

    Like an earlier commenter, I grew up with black eyed peas for luck and greens for $$ and, of course, ham!

  3. So silly question but how do I get the template to download into the design studio? Every time I click the link it tells me to download the design space which I have already. Any ideas?

  4. I definitely enjoying every little bit of it. It is a great website and nice share. I want to thank you. Good job! You guys do a great blog, and have some great contents. Keep up the good work.

  5. I was hoping to make this for my troop, as we are working on a badge about travel. I can’t get the templates to download.

  6. Found your post interesting to read. I cant wait to see your post soon. Good Luck for the upcoming update .This article is really very interesting and effective.

  7. This suitcase for travel IS so amazing!!! Wow! If I hadn’t seen the making process with my own hands, I would never have guessed that it is made by you, not a factory.

  8. This is really cool and I think this travel bag is very useful for travelers. By the way, I wanna tell you about the website where you can easily get travel insurance from this website and I can help you with this here.

  9. Hi there. can someone here please tell me how to get a flight compensation from Japan Airlines? Thanks in advance for your help right here.

  10. It can be a bit tricky, but don’t worry, I’ve got some valuable insights for you! First and foremost, you might want to consider using a service like AirAdvisor. They specialize in helping passengers like you get compensation for delayed, canceled, or overbooked flights. They have a wealth of experience dealing with different airlines, including Japan Airlines, and can be a fantastic resource to guide you through the process. Make sure you have all the relevant information about your flight, including your booking reference, flight number, and any communication you’ve had with Japan Airlines regarding the issue. Verify if you are eligible for compensation. Different countries and regions have specific rules and regulations, so it’s crucial to know your rights. AirAdvisor can help you determine if your situation qualifies for compensation. Be patient; these processes can take some time. Airlines have their own timelines for responding to compensation claims, and it can vary depending on the situation.

  11. It can be a bit tricky, but don’t worry, I’ve got some valuable insights for you! First and foremost, you might want to consider using

  12. Luggage is an extremely important thing in any trip, because it contains everything you need for your comfort. The service can make your travels much easier by providing convenient transportation for all your belongings. Thanks to car rental, you can enjoy comfort and not worry about convenience while traveling.

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