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There’s a new paint in town friends. She’s pretty, shiny and extreeeeemely sheeny (is sheeny even a word?)

As a lover of all thing painty (…another made up word), I was totally on board with the Extreme Sheen collection from DecoArt. Here’s the cool thing about these metallics: there is an actual patent behind the technology that makes this paint so dang sheeny. There’s that word again. To put this paint to the test, I decided to paint the dullest surface ever and see what Extreme Sheen could do to bring it to life. I’m pretty impressed with the result. I think you will be too.

DIY Jewelry Dish with DecoArt Extreme Sheen | damask love

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • A round wood box. I picked mine up from Joann.
  • DecoArt Extreme Sheen in 24K Gold
  • DecoArt Matte Decou-Page
  • a piece of scrapbook paper. I went with something that had some gold in it
  • a paint brush
  • a pencil
  • scissors – not pictured
  • small wood beads – not pictured

DIY Jewelry Dish with DecoArt Extreme Sheen | damask love


Paint the lid of the round box. You don’t need to paint the inner portion since we’ll be covering that with paper

DIY Jewelry Dish with DecoArt Extreme Sheen | damask love


Paint the small wood beads. I find it’s easiest to paint wood beads by threading them onto a piece of wire

DIY Jewelry Dish with DecoArt Extreme Sheen | damask love


Trace the bottom portion of the wood box onto wrong side of the patterned paper

DIY Jewelry Dish with DecoArt Extreme Sheen | damask love


Cut out the tracing, staying about 1/8″ outside the edge to ensure a snug fit into the painted lid.

DIY Jewelry Dish with DecoArt Extreme Sheen | damask love

DIY Jewelry Dish with DecoArt Extreme Sheen | damask love


Apply Decou-Page to the lid as well as the back of the paper

DIY Jewelry Dish with DecoArt Extreme Sheen | damask love


Once you’ve placed the paper into the lid, add another layer of Decou-Page.

DIY Jewelry Dish with DecoArt Extreme Sheen | damask love


Use a hot glue gun to adhere the painted beads to the bottom of the lid. This will create feet on your jewelry dish.

DIY Jewelry Dish with DecoArt Extreme Sheen | damask love

DIY Jewelry Dish with DecoArt Extreme Sheen | damask love

DIY Jewelry Dish with DecoArt Extreme Sheen | damask love

DIY Jewelry Dish with DecoArt Extreme Sheen | damask love DIY Jewelry Dish with DecoArt Extreme Sheen | damask love

This project was completed in partnership with DecoArt. All projects, photos and opinions are mine, mine, mine! Thanks for supporting the collaborations that keep the lights on in this joint!

Keep on crafting with these other posts

14 thoughts on “DIY Jewelry Dish

  1. …can I borrow your pineapple earrings?!
    Not bad for raw wood. Can’t wait to see it on a less dull surface!
    And, because I’m nosy, what did you do with the bottom of the box? Will there be a follow up project that uses it?!!

    1. HAHA! Girl, you are too funny! I haven’t come up with a project for the bottom of the box but now I feel like I MUST do it! Stay tuned. I’m gonna start thinking about what I can make with it.

  2. I feel that the author was very enthusiastic and creative with this article, making readers want to try making such a jewelry box themselves. It’s great to share creative ideas like these rice purity test!

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