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You can be anything you want to be. If you’re a bad dresser, you can read a fashion blogs and step up your wardrobe. If you’re a bag cook, you can tune into the Food Network and learn to whip up something delish. If you’re a wooden bracelet, you can slap on a few coats of paint and become an adorable Ice Cream Cone Trinket Box…and isn’t that the ultimate goal of every wooden bracelet?

This project will have you doing a double take! You’ve never seen a wooden bracelet make such an incredible transformation with some a few basic craft supplies. Read carefully through these instructions and you’ll be on your way to creating the world’s cutest trinket box ever!

DIY Ice Cream Cone Trinket Box

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DIY Ice Cream Cone Trinket Box

Roll out the white clay using a clay roller tool

DIY Ice Cream Cone Trinket Box

Use the wooden bracelet as a cookie cutter to cut the white clay. This will give you a circle of clay that perfectly fits the inside of the wooden bracelet. Back this piece of clay according to package instructions.
DIY Ice Cream Cone Trinket Box

Paint the wooden bracelet with tan colored craft paintDIY Ice Cream Cone Trinket Box

Use a brown permanent marker to draw a cross hatch pattern on the outside of the painted braceletDIY Ice Cream Cone Trinket Box

Place the baked white clay circle inside the bottom of the bracelet and use a hot glue gun to adhere it to the inside of the bracelet.


DIY Ice Cream Cone Trinket Box

Grab two cookie cutters. The larger circle cookie cutter should be roughly the same size as the outer diameter of the wooden bracelet. The smaller circle cookie cutter should be the inner diameter of the wooden bracelet.

DIY Ice Cream Cone Trinket Box

Cut these shapes from white clay then bake according to package instructions. Once baked and cooled, use a hot glue gun to glue the pieces together as shown.

DIY Ice Cream Cone Trinket Box

Roll out the brown clay and use the clay knife to cut out a “puddle” shape.

DIY Ice Cream Cone Trinket Box

Paint the wooden bead with red paintDIY Ice Cream Cone Trinket Box

Roll the green clay into a stem shape and bake it according to package instructions. Insert the stem into the bead and adhere with hot glue.
DIY Ice Cream Cone Trinket Box

Stack all the elements of the lid and glue everything together with hot glue.

DIY Ice Cream Cone Trinket Box

Add sprinkles to the lid with glitter glue and allow it to dry completely.DIY Ice Cream Cone Trinket Box

I know, I know…it’s a bunch of steps but it’s not tough. You can roll out and cut all your clay pieces first which will make assembly a bit easier. In the end you’ll have an adorable ice cream cone trinket box that is totally unique and perfect to fill with paper clips, candies or even bobby pins!

DIY Ice Cream Cone Trinket Box

DIY Ice Cream Cone Trinket Box

DIY Ice Cream Cone Trinket Box

DIY Ice Cream Cone Trinket Box

DIY Ice Cream Cone Trinket Box

DIY Ice Cream Cone Trinket Box

DIY Ice Cream Cone Trinket Box DIY Ice Cream Cone Trinket Box DIY Ice Cream Cone Trinket Box DIY Ice Cream Cone Trinket Box

Check out THIS post and THIS post for more wooden bracelet ideas!


Keep on crafting with these other posts

12 thoughts on “DIY Ice Cream Cone Trinket Box

  1. Oh my goodness! How cute is this?!? I have a nearly-11 year old daughter who would probably love it! Or party favor idea? And again with the full-on manicured nails? 😉 Had me laughing!

  2. I seriously don’t know how you think this stuff up! That is super cute!!! I would enjoy seeing it filled with paper clips on my desk… but then I might want ice cream more often… 🙂

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