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For almost a year, I’ve been keeping a big secret from you…arguably the biggest secret ever!  Many of you caught wind of this exciting news with the release of THIS NBC commercial featuring televisions favorite BFF’s – Amy Poehler and Nick Offerman. For those of you who still have no idea what I’m talking about – here’s the scoop!

This summer, NBC is launching the first ever network crafting competition show, called Making It. The show features eight competitors crafting their way toward the title of Master Maker. Among this cast of makers, is your’s truly – the colorful, opinionated girl behind this blog that many of you have followed for YEARS.

If you’ve followed the journey of this show, you know that last year it went by the working title of “The Handmade Project” and many…like THIRTY…of you, sent me emails, messages and texts telling me to apply. I wasn’t sold on the application process. I truly figured it would never happen – so why bother. Well – it turns out I couldn’t have been more wrong. The universe had much bigger plans for me and despite my Negative Nelly attitude, I landed one of the eight coveted spots as a competitor on this incredible show.

Here’s the really amazing part – you see – I’m just like you. I’ve been hungry for this type of television show for as long as I can remember. You and me…we are crafters. We are makers. We like paper and glue and paint and long walks down the sticker aisle at JOANN. We devour online crafting tutorials and blogs because we’ll do anything for our next crafty fix. We swoon when there is a crafting segment on a local or national morning show. We even tune in to home improvement shows because they are the closest thing to crafting that we can find on television. This is what makes Making It so incredible. With or without me as a competitor, this show is going to change things. It’s going to get people like you and me even more excited about making. It’s going to bring novices into the fold of DIY. It’s going to introduce a team of talented makers to the world, who might have never been recognized.  This show is going to be good, friends…and I can say that with 100% confidence…because I was there!

Today is an exciting day because I can officially confirm my participation in this incredible television show. Today let’s celebrate cheer for each one of the cast members of Making It. If you don’t already know them, HERE’S the lineup and direct links to their social media handles: Jemma // Jeffery // Robert // Joanna // Khiem // Nicole // Billy….and of course me, Amber. Pay them all a visit and leave some kind words if you’re so inclined. Now is the time to share the love – because come 10PM EST on Tuesday, July 31st, 2018 – it’ll be all about the competition and who can make the cut (see what I did there).


Premieres Tuesday, July 31st


Stay tuned for a ton of exciting Damask Love events and activities in celebration of my participation in Making It…you may wanna even sign up for the Damask Love Newsletter!

Keep on crafting with these other posts

61 thoughts on “Damask Love is “Making It” on NBC

  1. Omg I was half asleep last night trying to watch TV with my 9 year old daughter and she freaked out slapped me awake and yelled Mom!! Amber from your favorite Instagram stories is going to be on this new show !! Lol I was excited but I think to not as excited as my daughter!! Can’t wait for the show!!

  2. This is amazing. How did you go from being a psychologist to full time crafted? I’m a psychologist now but do crafting on the side.

  3. This is so awesome! I’m in the psychology field and heard you on a podcast one day. I was like…whaaat? hero!!! I will definitely be watching.

  4. So excited for you!! I’ve been watching your IG stories for a little while now and your my favorite. So I can not wait to watch you on tv, where you belong!! Yay for you!!!!!

  5. Eeeek! Girl, I am SO excited for you and hope they have more seasons of this. I would love to apply again. Cannot wait to watch!!

  6. Super excited to see you. I don’t typically watch tv but I will, just to watch all the cool things you all make. I saw the preview of the hosts around thanksgiving but it was just them.

  7. Yesss!!! I love being right! And I’m totally excited for you too! I can’t wait to watch!

  8. Just watched the trailer on you tube. I am going to be setting my DVR since the show is on past my bed time. But I want to be able to watch this and cheer you on.

    Can’t wait!!

  9. So very excited for the show but extremely excited to see you on it! Congratulations! You must win this seriously! I can’t wait to see it! ????

  10. So excited for you! Since This Is Us isn’t on, I haven’t been watching NBC, but I’ll be sure to tune in! Go Amber!!!

  11. Oh. My. God. !!!!! Amber I’ve seen the commercial like a gazillion times (and really hadn’t paid too close attention) but…. How did I miss you? I’m beyond excited for you, for the show, for the crafts. I think I need to buy a DVR now! Yay!

  12. So excited for you and yes a crafting show….yes! I’ve only found you in the last months… I smile every time I watch you. I too live Joanns and michaels and crafting. Lol. You make me want to get up and make something. Your passion is contagious.. love that you share a small part of your family with us!!!! Hope you won!!!!!!! Congratulations.

  13. Oh my gosh, I saw the previews last week and was so excited to see that you were on the show. You are one of my all time favorite crafters. I hear your voice and smile because you are so positive and hilarious, with the best touch of snark. I cannot wait to watch the show. Hopefully you wowed them.

  14. I am so excited for you! You have inspired me to start my own blog. Thank you. I look forward to watching you on NBC.

  15. I woke up in the middle of the night, turned on the tv and thought I saw you on a commercial! Got up this morning, googled the show and I can’t tell you how excited I am for you. Look forward to following this journey. You go girl!

  16. Amber!!! Woo-hooo!!! You are an inspiration and I’m thrilled for you. I’m sure it was a little scary to submit your name and go through all the challenges. Thank you for taking the leap and taking us on your journey!

  17. Simon Doonan. I. Can’t. Even. Right. Now. Everything is coming up swear words. So just – I’m so happy and proud!

  18. Whoop whoop! I remember seeing you on Home Talk years ago. You were my favorite I always look forward to waking up to your happy post & signature pink lipstick. Your going to kill it on the show with your craftiness & sunshine personality.

  19. Girl, I am doing a happy dance for you ! I saw the NBC promo and was like “what, isn’t that Amber !” And re-wound to watch it again to be sure. I see a “Crafting with Amber” spin off show in your future ! Will be cheering you on !!!

  20. So excited for you Amber!! You famous girl you!!! I’ve been so excited for this show!! Let the countdown begin. Congrats!!!!

  21. Congratulations!!
    I love that denim shirt you had on, please tell me where you got it!!
    I am a hoarder of zipper pouches but you have me beat!
    Again congratulations cant wait to watch this show!!


  22. Yay!!! So excited, I can’t wait to see you on tv! Love watching your stories I will be recording the show! Congratulations ???

  23. I am so excited and happy for you. Also, I’m relieved. I thought I had completely ignored this huge news and whiped it from my moemory. Lol! Congratulations!!

  24. I had to come over here and say it officially on the blog, so stinkin’ proud of you, friend. I can not even wait to watch you do your crafty magic!

  25. so happy for you!!!!!! and for the world to be introduced bigtime to the wonderful world of crafting!!

  26. What wonderful blessings you have coming your way! You totally deserve it and you are gonna be the #Rockstar crafting Queen left standing ? at the end of it all. Seeing my Tivo now as well as a reminder in my phone ♥️♥️

  27. Hi Amber,

    I am so proud of you for having the courage to sign up for this show and the belief in making all things beautiful. My prayer for you as yo embark on this new and well deserved journey is unmeasurable success. ???

  28. You go girl! They are so lucky to have you on their show! The universe heard you and now LOOK AT YOU! When I saw you on the commercials I told my husband.. that’s my Instagram “ friend” Amber!!!!! LOL ??

  29. Oh Amber! I am so excited for you! I didn’t know about this show! I can’t wait to see you on it! I’m sure you will win because you have the craft skills and the personality for it! 🙂

  30. Amber…this is amazing. I cannot wait for the season to start. You go girl!!! Congratulations. Glad you applied.

  31. I seriously had a fit when I saw the commercial. Telling my whole family “that’s the lady whose blog I read all the time!” Awesome opportunity and awesome show. Excited to watch!

  32. Yay! They did a sneak peek at Mom 2.0 and I was so excited to see you on there! I have no doubt you killed it. Can’t wait to watch!

  33. Super Duper Congrats Gurl! You know we’re like MIA BFF Home Girls “in my head”. One day we’ll meet for crafty goodness and chill girl chat time. I’m ssooooooo Super Stoked for this Show. How Amazing..Of course they couldn’t have this show without you, duh… I have to tell everyone I I know to tune in when it time to air so they can watch my BFF Crafty Girl, slay her way through the competition. KUDOS!!! Smooches…

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