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I can say with some certainty that hoarding is a prerequisite for crafting. Or maybe that’s what I tell myself. Either way,  for the last six months of so, I’ve been hoarding this. It’s paper, but not really. It’s wood, but not really. It’s awesome. Really.

I’ve been holding on to it…for what reason, I do not know. Maybe because there is always that fear of a birch paper shortage. And if that happens, then there is really no reason to go on. With spring knocking on our door, I finally allowed myself to use two precious sheets of my birch paper. Just two sheets though. The rest will sit here. Un-used. Because, I’m neurotic like that.

Fortunately, I was able to take those two sheets and create something rather awesome. Remember those woven placemats you made in kindergarten. Well this project is basically the grown up version of those placemats. Same techique, just stepped up a notch.

Faux Woven Basket | Damask Love

Faux Woven Basket | Damask Love

Faux Woven Basket | Damask Love Apart from the birch paper, you probably already have a lot of these supplies in your home, which makes these an easy project to do. Faux Woven Basket | Damask Love

{1} Use the box cutter to trim the off the bottom 1/3 of the oatmeal container

{2} Trim wood paper into 1/2″ strips and trim the skewers to approximately 1″ taller than the height of the cut oatmeal box.

{3} With the hot glue gun, adhere the skewers to one strip of the wood paper. The skewers should be spaced 1.5″ apart.

{4} Flip the strip of wood paper over, then adhere the skewers in between those that have already been adhered.

{5} With one strip at a time, begin weaving in and out. For each strip that is added, you only need to adhere it to the very first skewer.

{6}Continue weaving, alternating the pattern with each strip added.

{7} Once your woven mat has reached the height of the cut cylinder, adhere it directly to the cylinder with hot glue and trim off any excess.

Faux Woven Basket | Damask Love Faux Woven Basket | Damask Love

Faux Woven Basket | Damask Love

Faux Woven Basket | Damask Love

Faux Woven Basket | Damask Love

Are you heading out the door to pick up some oatmeal!? Happy spring & happy crafting!SupplyListHEader

Keep on crafting with these other posts

15 thoughts on “Faux Woven Easter Basket

  1. I knew those skewers would come in handy some day! I’ll need to empty out the oatmeal and even though the closest craft store is 35 miles away I think I’ll try this with cardstock. Fabulous project. Thanks, again.

  2. Amber, this is adorable! I love it. Also, I am glad to know I am not the only neurotic hoarder. Lol. I am getting better though.

  3. I love this Easter basket – you are SO creative!!! And ya’ll can count one more in the hoarder club – LOL.

  4. Gah, Amber, you are so clever. What a beautiful basket that could serve for several different occasions. AWESOME!

  5. I love your blog! I found you through the BHG Awards and I think you are awesomely fantastic and crafty! Looking forward to seeing all of your crafty projects!

  6. I know how you feel. There is so much stuff I have that has not been used even when I have a use for it. Because sometime I might really, really, really need it and it will be gone.

  7. Amber, thank you SO much for your oh-so creative ideas! And thanx for your help on this basket. I got my paper and I’ll get started! I am a terrible hoarder, but as long as it continues to “pay off” I’ll continue to hoard!

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