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Merry Christmas, everyone!

I wasn’t planning on doing a post today – but then we exchanged gifts and I HAD to come by and share a gift that I received from Andrew.

First – the backstory (there’s always a backstory, right?)

In May of this year, I made a Facebook status update linking to Wedding Nouveau’s article about a wonderul Etsy shop that creates the cutest multi-ethnic quilted creations. I saw them – and fell in love. I fawned over them for about a week then kind of forgot about them.

Fast forward to Christmas Day 2011 when I opened up my gifts and found this:

Excitement comes pretty easily for me so I can’t even begin to describe how happy I was when I got this pillow! I. ABSOLUTELY. LOVE. IT!
Apparently, Andrew bought the pillow back in May, after I posted it on Facebook and has been hiding it from me ever since!
I think the girl pretty much looks like me…I’ve been known to put a flower in my hair from time to time. And the boy – well – minus the psychedelic turtleneck, is pretty much dead ringer for Andrew.
I mean, seriously…how adorable is this pillow!!!!
So – as if this wasn’t good enough, there’s more…
Now for backstory number 2:
I am always telling Andrew that he should try stamping. Last Christmas he stamped a card using some old Stampin’ Up rubber mounted stamps that I had laying around, but the results…well..ya know.
This year, unbeknownst to me, Andrew tried his hand at stamping! 
I can’t for the life of me figure out when he made this little note card or how he knew to use my acrylic stamps, but he did and I couldn’t be more impressed or happy with his clean and simple Christmas notecard!
He even monogrammed the back of the card!!! Too cute!!!
Moral of the story: I am marrying the sweetest, cutest, greatest guy ever!
Supplies for Andrew’s card:
Stamps: PTI (Communique Curves, Fresh Alphabet)
Ink: Ranger Archival Ink (Jet Black), Impress Fresh Ink (Mango, Grass, Red Currant)
Cardstock: PTI (White)

Keep on crafting with these other posts

13 thoughts on “Crafty Christmas from the World’s Best Husband to Be

  1. Amber, what a sweetie you have there. Lovely pillow with a cute Amber and Andrew on it. I guess Andrews must have cleaned up real well ater using your stamps and ink if you never knew. Merry Christmas to the both of you.

    June K.

  2. The gift pillow is very cute and so
    is the card but the best gift is the
    love and caring of such a thoughtful
    guy. I should know I am also married
    to a guy like that. Merry Christmas!

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