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I wouldn’t call myself “indecisive.” I don’t think. Well. I take that back. From the looks of these last few sentences, I’m indecisive. Definitely. I’m sure of it. Maybe.

One of my biggest struggles with indecision is trying to figure out what on earth to blog about. With the launch of the new blog, I sort of felt like I had just bought a house. It’s exciting and fun to explore the new digs. Then you realize. Oh sugar! I have to furnish this place.

Yeah. I have to furnish this blog. With good furniture. Not secondhand stuff that no one wants any more. Cool stuff. Good looking stuff. Furniture that will last a long time.

My goal is for Damask Love to be cohesive, but not so cohesive that it’s predictable.  The blog should be on trend, but not so on trend that it’s quickly outdated and irrelevant.

I spend more time planning content than I spend creating content. It’s a never ending hustle. But it’s a hustle that puts my indecisive mind at ease. I like knowing that there are ideas in the pipeline. I like knowing that there are still a few items on my to do list. I like knowing that I haven’t reached the end of the line for crafty projects.

To keep myself plugging away and coming up with more content, I have a few go to strategies:

  • I love using this calendar of wacky holidays! The obscure observances offer a lot of inspiration for how to shape my upcoming content. For example, National Candy Month has me thinking of lots of creative ways to use sweets!
  • Plan a month in advance. Even though I’m known to move my editorial calendar around until the last minute, the calm that comes with having my content planned is priceless. It gives me some much needed wiggle room.
  • Browse my own blog. Of course you can get inspiration from other blogs, but I find that if I dig through the archives of my  own content, I can come up with creative twists on projects from way back in the day. It’s a great way to bring life back to a oldie (or maybe just give it a bit of a facelift).
  • Break it down. Instead of squeezing two or three tutorials into one blog post, it’s okay to break it into three separate posts that function as a series! By doing this, I can buy myself a few more days of content and give readers time to digest it all. Why give it away all at once when I can force you to wade through my ramblings for days on end.
  • The ideas will come. They always do. Sometimes with longer spans of time between, but they come. I remind myself of this constantly! When I’m in a rut, I just live through it and wait for an idea to come. It’ll come eventually. In the meantime, I’ll catch up on the Bachelor. I like high-brow television.
  • Creativity begets creativity: …and when the ideas start rolling in, they usually bring some friends along! The wave of ideas is such a great feeling! Am I right?
  • Make it when I’m excited about it. When time allows, I do my best to create something as soon as the idea strikes. It’s in that moment that I’m most excited about the project and most likely to put all my time and attention into the details. In those moments, the making is fun rather than another item on my to-do list.

I’d love to hear your take on how to stay creative and keep your blog content flowing. Do you have any mantras, strategies or sources for inspiration that keep you going? Tell me about em. I’m all ears.


Keep on crafting with these other posts

101 thoughts on “What the *Bleep* To Blog About

  1. Amber this is genius and all rings so true. The one most important piece for me is to WRITE IT DOWN. Quirky ideas hit at all times and if I don’t write it down I forget my earth shattering genius creative project in a poof (much like how the Bachelor drops his fiance!). Love your new digs and enjoying seeing how the furnishings are all coming together.

    1. Hey Girl! You are so so right! There have been times when I don’t have a paper near by and I have to come up with some way to remember my idea! I’ve been known to just repeat it to myself over and over until I have paper and pen in hand. Or sometimes, I’ll come up with a mnemonic so I don’t forget! Nothing worse than knowing you had a genius idea but can’t remember what on earth it was!!

  2. I don’t have a blog but I thoroughly enjoy reading yours! You are so creative and have so much energy that I can’t imagine you ever being in a rut. LOL I get a lot of creative energy from you. And I agree with Jaime – I have to write things down. I have a decorated composition book I make sketches in of cards I want to make. I’m kind of old school in that I will print out instructions/photos you provide then put them in my craft room so next time I have some time it is there waiting for me. 🙂 If see something I want to try – Pinterest is great… I don’t always go back to try the thing I pin – but when I do I know it will be there.
    So – my inspiration comes from craft blogs (especially yours), craft magazines, Pinterest, HSN craft days… Actually – I loved when Martha Stewart used to be on the HSN craft shows. She & a guy (for the life of me I can’t remember his name – maybe Alex?) were on. They were talking about the inspiration they get to create punches. He said when he traveled he would look at the architecture with great designs and that inspired many of their punch designs. Since that day I can’t see a beautifully designed bridge or wrought iron balcony and not think of what a great punch it would make. LOL
    Sorry for rambling… I got on a roll…

    1. I love your rambling! That’s what these kind of posts are all about. I love getting down to the nitty gritty with you guys! I love that you are old school about printing out instructions and photos. I agree that it’s nice to have that kind of tangible thing in front of you as you create. Pinterest in a funny thing – because I will pin like mad and then totally forget to go back and look at what I’ve pinned! It’s like a deep abyss of awesome ideas. Aaaaaand….I totally know what HSN guy you are talking about! I loved that guy! (Also can’t remember his name – but he was fun!)

  3. I don’t usually post on blogs but this time I just had to. I like that Martha Stewart guy too. His name is Alex Peruzzi. I miss him. He had some great ideas. I think he works for Barnes & Noble.

    Amber you are very creative. That’s just the way you’re made. You have great ideas and a great strategy. Now—— just breathe….

    1. Love this comment! “You are creative. That’s just the way you’re made.” I need to frame that and put it on the wall! We all do!

      Also – sounds like we need to spearhead a “We Miss You Alex” campaign! That guy was so awesome.

  4. Amber,

    You are the most colorful, inspiring person! Thank you for all your wonderful ideas. I have the same issues with my blog but I find conversations (even the ones I eavesdrop on!!), a photo, or just flipping through a magazine will help.

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