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Remember when I told you guys I was working on a holiday gift guide? Well I wasn’t kidding! It’s here!

If I could attach bells and drag this thing in on a Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade float, I totally would. That’s how excited I am about Toile…not to mention, I really like parade floats.

In this magazine you’ll find tutorials, videos, printables, recipes, exclusive discounts and even a quick cameo from Mr. Damask Love! Be sure to click around and enjoy every page.

OH! And did I mention…there’s an exclusive stamp set designed by yours truly ? Very few sets are available though. This stamp set is pretty much the crafty equivalent to Tickle Me Elmo. Once it’s gone, it’s gone and we will not stand for any brawls over the last one!

Thanks for hanging in there with me while I worked behind the scenes to get this puppy published! It’s been pretty quiet here in DamaskLoveTown, but me thinks you’ll forgive that once you start flipping through Toile! For the rest of this week, I’ll let you hang out and enjoy the magazine, then starting next week, I’ll have some fun Toile-related posts that’ll keep the party goin. Cause that’s how we roll. We keep the party goin.

And if Pinteresting is you thing, go ahead and use this image to bookmark Toile. That way you can come on back to continue reading!

Toile Gift Guide:  A Holiday Gift Guide Just for Crafty & Creative People

Keep on crafting with these other posts

87 thoughts on “Toile is Here!

  1. Ashley, this is STUNNING!!!!!
    I quickly went through it this morning. I cannot wait to go back and soak in EVERY word. It is beautifully laid out and just amazing!
    Thank you for this fabulous gift!

  2. Amber, this is just amazing! I can not believe a person (who also has a job!) is capable of putting this together. Everything is just perfect, nice photos, great tutorials and tons of inspiration.
    I love the tutorial for poinsettia with circle punch very much! It is so original…

    Thank you, I will gladly share it!

  3. This magazine is chock full of gorgeous tutorials for Christmas gifts!! I would recommend it to anyone. So many creative ideas and I think I’ll first start by making one of the cute notebooks using the printable. Impeccable work Amber! You should be very proud of yourself. Now go take a nap-you deserve it:)

  4. Amber – this is seriously AMAZING! Gorgeous, thoughtful, and really useful. It’s clear how much work went into this – you are one awesome lady! Looking forward to 2014 and following your new craft ventures. πŸ™‚

    1. Jennifer! I can’t even tell you how much this comment means! My stomach did about 50 million backflips when I clicked publish on this thing! Thank you for your support and traveling this journey with me. I’m not going anywhere as long as you don’t go anywhere. deal?

  5. Amazing, where do you find the time? You don’t sleep do you? Excellent job on putting this together! Love it! : )

    1. Thanks, Claire!!! If we’re being honest…sleep has certainly come at a premium for the last few weeks! But I wouldn’t do it if I didn’t love it. And I love every minute of it.

  6. So many projects, so little time! There isn’t a single project that I don’t want to make. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful ideas and for making them so easy to recreate.

    You’re a (Christmas) star!

  7. Holy sh-nikes women! Do you sleep? This is absolutely incredible and awesome and amazing! I can not believe it…how cool are you?!?! I went thru it on my phone and have made a date to go back thru it on the iPad cause I need to see it up close an personal-thinking of doing a print version? Oh I could just imagine the thick cardstock pages and smell of fresh ink…book nerd here. Oh well, I will drool over my electronic version-at least I can wipe off the drool. You ROCK!

    1. HA! You win the prize for funniest comment of the day! I don’t have plans for a print version…YET. That is something that may just happen in the future though! So happy that you love the magazine! If you love it on your phone…then you are really going to love it on the ipad!

  8. WOW! WOW! WOW!! You have totally outdone yourself, Amber!! This is absolutely brilliant and so well put together! I am in awe and so very happy for your success with this!! Congrats!!

  9. WOW is all I can say! This is so professional looking! I can’t believe the amount of hours that must have went into it! I don’t know how you do it all girl! No one would believe this isn’t your full-time job!

  10. I already left you a comment on your Facebook page but I want to say again how amazing this is! Beautiful job. I can’t wait to get home tonight and go through it in depth! πŸ™‚

  11. What a pleasure!!! Beautifully done– and that’s just my reaction to a quick skim! I’m SO looking forward to reading, absorbing, and savoring. I know it will be delightful!

  12. I want to say you’ve outdone yourself, but then again I am not surprised! You are absolutely amazing and everything you do screams Γ©lan and sophistication….this is all so professionally done.

    Thank you for sharing this gorgeous gift…something we all need for the holidays.


  13. Amber, Amber, Amber…I cannot find the words to express how gifted and creative you are with your witty ideas! You always inspire me with your creativity! You are a blessing to me because you keep me motivated and encouraged to keep trying new things when I feel like I am falling into a creative slump. You ROCK!

  14. Holy Toile! This is amazing. I had to force myself to stop reading the whole thing so I can enjoy a little for a few days…okay 2 days. I am just in awe of you and your creativity, teaching, etc., etc., etc. Thank you for sharing everything with your pals. Oh, Mr. DL is adorable and has great gift suggestions too. Lucky you both to have each other.

  15. I have to tell you that I look forward to checking your blog daily for new inspiration. I could not wait to see what this book is. The wait was worth it. I went through it really fast so now I need to go back and really look at it. Your stuff is so beautiful and always something different. Thank you for putting this together. I cannot wait to go through it again and start doing some of the crafts in there. Also I have bought some items from think garnish for my craft fair that is coming up for the holidays. I love what I got and can’t wait to get crafty with it. Thank you again for the inspiration you provide.

  16. Been waiting for this since you announced it. Thanks for putting this together. I almost fell out the chair when I saw stamp set available. I want it! Lol.

  17. This is amazing and beautiful! I’ve got a list of things to make. Kinda glad my Mr. Is heading out of town this weekend so I can get busy with some craft supplies.

  18. What an awesome Gift Guide! It is absolutely gorgeous in presentation and thank you for the tutorials. Love all your work and great ideas.

  19. I blinked through Toile this morning, sittng at my desk with the snow falling out my window. Just fabulous! Thanks for such an enormous effort! I’m in the holiday mood, and Toile gives me tons of ideas. I love it!

  20. WOWZERS, Amber!!! Toile is fantastic! I’ve skimmed through it, but I will go back to it again and again for wonderful ideas. And I love that most of them are simple enough that even I could create them!! LOL! Thank you for all of the time and effort you put into bringing this to your followers! Happy Holidays to you!

  21. This is really a wonderful gift you have given. Thank you for sharing it ion such a generous way. May you receive 10 fold in whatever your desire.

  22. This is an amazing project you have been working on! Thanks so much for sharing all these terrific ideas. You are extremely talented and I always enjoy seeing what you are making! Do you ever sleep? πŸ˜‰

  23. WOW! You have been a busy, busy girl! This is such an amazing gift you have given all of us readers! THANK YOU! I always love your ideas and you are such an equal opportunity sharer and user of different stamp and die companies…I love that, as I order from many of the companies you feature.
    Happy Holidays to you…now go rest a while! Thanks again!

  24. This is incredible, Amber. What a labour of love! I adore what you said about the cobbler’s children; I was so surprised to read that you’re like me & are horrible at giving cards. It’s is really difficult to create content for a blog and many cards that are basic enough to reproduce, so thank you so much for the inspiration!

  25. OMG! You are just so AMAZING! This is sooo well put together and very Classy! Love perusing the pages! Love the tutorials, the printables….downloaded, the Limited Edition Stamp….ordered! You are one Talented Woman! Thank you for all of your inspirations and creativity.

  26. WOW, this is awesome!!! I follow quite a lot of creative Blogs but you are by far the best I have ever ever ever seen!! Thanks so much for sharing these wonderful ideas!
    Greetings from Munich, Germany

  27. I came across your magazine on Pinterest. Wow!! Amazing!! What a beautiful creation!! I will definitely be back to look at it again and again.

  28. Amber, this is jaw droppingingly FABULOUS! It is so chocked filled with a variety of doable projects, recommendations, and treats of all manner. Love your personable chit-chat, too. Thank you for sharing your talent in such a wonderful format. Congratulations in this amazing feat! WOW!

  29. Amber you have outdone yourself! I have no idea how you do it, but I am so glad you do. Thanks so much for sharing this labor of love with us. It is fantastic!!

  30. Beautiful Book. Reminds me of Cards Magazine. Love the ideas, inspiration, and how it was all organized. You should be proud of your accomplishments. Wishing you even more in 2014.

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