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I have written and unwritten this post about five times. I’ve worried that you guys aren’t as into this topic as I am. I’ve worried that I won’t get my point across. I’ve worried that it will just sound like the ramblings of an overtired mom of a 7-month old baby. An overtired mom who would kill for a two-hour nap and a proper pedicure. Oh, what I wouldn’t do for a proper pedicure. In a salon. If we’re being honest, I haven’t had one since the baby was born and currently my footsies look like I’ve been playing barefoot soccer with rocks. Not cute. Amen and hallelujah for closed toe flats.

Back to the topic at hand: the makers movement. Thanks what I’m calling it, anyway. It is truly fascinating to me. I am so excited by the fact that there seems to be a huge movement toward making. A movement toward crafting. A movement toward- “why buy when I can create it myself?”

Now, I’ve been a maker since I was knee high to a grasshopper (man, I’ve always wanted to say that) and I’m sure many of you are the same way: a maker through and through. You’ve got “crafty” in your bones. You bleed glitter. But then there are those of you who are being pulled toward to idea that handmade is doable…and fun!  You are intrigued by what you can do with your own hands. You are excited by that “I made it” feeling.

For me, I am motivated to create because I absolutely love the idea that simple, raw ingredients can be combined to make really awesome and beautiful things. I love the limitless possibilities of paper and paint. I love that I can create something that has never existed before. I love that I can think of something one minute and an hour later turn it into a tangible project. I love breaking down the “making” process and sharing it with you. Those are the elements of making that get me going. Those are the things that make me want to make.

So here’s what I want to know from you…what makes you make? What motivates you? What pulls you into the makers movement? Let’s chat about it! I can’t wait to hear your thoughts!


Keep on crafting with these other posts

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