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I’m a We R Memory Keepers Punch Board completist. I must have them all! One of the newest members of my collection is the We R Memory Keepers Pocket Punch Board that allows you to easy and quickly create perfect, professional pockets and pouches. May not sound like much to the lay person, but for us crafty peeps – it’s a dream!

In the spirit of Halloween and all things cute (not spooky), I’m combining the We R Memory Keepers Pocket Punch Board with the power of my Canon PIXMA TS9521 Crafting Printer. This crafting all-in-one printer makes it easy to bring my crafting projects to life in bold colors …which is a must have for this project!

Before you get started with the adorable monster printable, first you’ll want to use your We R Memory Keepers Pocket Punch Board to make paper pockets that are perfectly sized to hold a full-sized Hershey’s candy bar. Let me show you how easily it’s done!

In case you missed it in the video, here’s a quick infographic of how to use the We R Memory Keepers Pocket Punch Board to create this project!


With your candy wrapper pocket complete you can set aside the Pocket Punch Board and get started with your FREE monster faces printable!

The Canon PIXMA TS9521 Crafting Printer is my go-to for all things DIY! With wireless capability, an easy touch screen and a rear feedtray for specialty papers – it’s a must for my craft room. Once you’ve cut out the monster faces (with scissors or your Cricut!) all that’s left to do is have some fun building your own custom monster!

With our FREE Monster Face printable, you can build your own monster on each of the pockets!

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Canon. All opinions are 100% mine.

Keep on crafting with these other posts

41 thoughts on “Pocket Punch Board Candy Wrappers

  1. Oh, they are way too cute! At first glance I was wondering how that unique looking punch board worked, but your video shows how simple it is to make these bags. Love!

  2. You have two places that say click here to download. But nothing happens when I click there.
    Help what am I doing wrong?

  3. How do I get my cricut to cut the faces out? When I try to add it to my workspace in Cricut design it doesn’t recognize the image since its in a .pdf format

    1. In the Monster Faces folder you should also see several .svg files. These are the files you’ll want to use with your Cricut! Download each one then upload them into Cricut Design Space. From there you’ll want to make sure you select “Print then Cut” and you should be good to go! Hope this helps!

  4. How did you get your cricket to cut the download? Also does your printer feed and print on card stock? Mine always jams with cardstock

    1. Hi Whitney! You’ll find this project in the Dropbox folder under “Monster Face Printables” I hope this helps! We’re in the process of updating the printables library to make it easier to search and find what you’re looking for. In the meantime, I hope you’re able to find this project! Please let us know if you still have any problems!

  5. I could not download the monster face printables. Is it no available anymore? How can I get it? Please!

  6. Pretty good article. I just stumbled across your blog and enjoyed reading your blog posts. I am looking for new articles to get more valuable information. Big thanks for this.

  7. Just found out your blog from Abby. All the pictures are so beautiful and colorful. Halloween is coming up soon this year. Also prefer all things cute and not spooky!

  8. Thanks for that excuse an awful lot for the make acknowledged you get. I subsequent on your say and all you component long gone us is acquainted and quite informative, i would behind to bookmark the web page so i’m able to arrive right here anew to gate you, as you have got over and ended surrounded by way of a extremely good process.

  9. This is so creative! This will be a perfect crafting activity for kids since they do all love candies and chocolate. It is so quick and easy to do. I will definitely try this with my kids at home. Thank you for sharing this with us.

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