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Yo. Listen up. Lend me your ear…or, I guess lend me your eyeballs because today’s DIY is my favorite in the history of the world. Yes, you heard me. The history of the world. Better than that whole “walking on the moon” thing. Better than that time Janet flashed her boob. This is better than the invention of Cherry Garcia…and that stuff is a damn classic.

If you have never made anything from Damask Love, please for the love of waffle cones, please make this one. It’s too easy and it’s such a show stopper. Oh – and it’s cheap. It’ll run you about ten bucks. Ten bucks friends. Ten bucks for a clutch that is made out of a placemat. Basically, you should make this for no other reason than you can tell all your friends that you made a purse out of a placemat. You’ll immediately be the coolest person on earth.


Easy DIY Placemat Clutch | damask love

What you need:

Easy DIY Placemat Clutch | damask love

  1. Fold in the sides of the placemat and clip down with bull clips
  2. Squeeze a good amount of hot glue as shown…

Easy DIY Placemat Clutch | damask love

  1. Press down the glued area until secure (then repeat the hot gluing on the other side)
  2. When both sides are glued down, fold up the bottom of the placemat as shown.

Easy DIY Placemat Clutch | damask love

  1. Clip down the folded flap then add glue underneath as shown. Do this on both sides
  2. Place the bull clips over the glued area to allow it to dry securely

Easy DIY Placemat Clutch | damask love

  1. Follow the directions of the magnetic snaps and secure then into place. You just need to push the clasp portion of the snap through the placemat and pinch them into place. It’s not hard. Promise.
  2. Okay – now you see where I’ve placed those two little bull clips in the top corners? I place a teeny bit of hot glue in those folds and then placed the bull clips there to allow the glue to dry. This keeps those folded corners neatly in place and makes for a more professional look.

Easy DIY Placemat Clutch | damask love

  1. Now for the fun part! Play around with fun fringes and trimmings to dress up your clutch. I used a pretty fringe underneath the top flap and then hot glued the other fringes on top. Make sure you use enough trimming to cover up that magnetic snap.


Did you just die from cuteness overload? Are you already in the car making a bee line for the fabric store to scope out some cute pom pom fringe? Don’t worry, I’ve been there. I won’t judge. I only wish I could be in the car with you. We would have a great time. We’d be singing songs at the top of our lungs. But no T. Swift though. Bad Blood makes my ears bleed.






Keep on crafting with these other posts

48 thoughts on “No-Sew DIY Placemat Clutch

  1. Seriously, cutest thing EVER! And I really do want to run out to the craft store right now. Too bad I am at work… This weekend- top priority.

  2. Get outta town this is so cool! How do you come up with all of these ideas! I don’t know how you keep outdoing yourself! You’re one of a kind!

  3. Always get a chuckle reading your blog—I’m with you on the Taylor Swift. Adorably fun clutch purse! Wouldn’t it be fun to also make holiday versions for Halloween and Christmas?

  4. OK, I know I have said this before, but you are hilarious! I love reading your blog. It totally cracks me up! And your crafty stuff is genius! Yes, I am getting in the car right now and going to find round placemats. So fun!

    1. Target! Or even better – Home Goods! Home Goods has round placemats for next to nothing and they come in a ton of colors…and usually Home Goods are located near a Joann’s so you can swing by and grab some pretty trim! Happy crafting!

      1. Our local Dollar Store carries the round placemats! So even more affordable! Thanks love this idea and going to try them RIGHT NOW ( +/- 5minutes)

  5. Thank you, this is great. I have never seen a use for round placemats, I prefer square, but this is a great reason to get some round ones. I also think adding some ribbon, rope, or twine, to make a strap, will be a nice tweak too.

  6. Amazing. I’m from Brazil and today I found the video that you were in the “Home ad Family” and I got here on your page. You do beautiful things. Thank you so much for sharing. God bless.

  7. Like other posters have said, this is so cute. In Australia they have these types of placemats in k-mart. They have all the colours of the rainbow, can’t wait to make one. Thank you for such a wonderful tutorial.

    Kindest regards

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