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It may be the holiday season, but mermaids are always a good idea – even in the midst of Thanksgiving prep and decking the halls with boughs of holly. In my humble mermaid-loving opinion, no DIY mermaid tail is complete without metallic scales! Insert: DecoArt Metallic Texture Paint!

Playing with this paint is super satisfying and incredibly easy. We can all become mixed media artists without any real mixed media know-how!

To share my own tricks and tips for using DecoArt Metallic Texture Paint, I took to Facebook Live to show you exactly how to create your mermaid tail. You’ll want to tune in for this one, since I make a mistake and have to fix it live on air! It’s a great way to learn how to problem solve when your own crafting mistakes happen.

Join me HERE on the DecoArt Facebook Page to watch and learn how to create your own mermaid tail decor using texture paint!

Keep on crafting with these other posts

4 thoughts on “Metallic Mermaid Wall Art with DecoArt Texture Paint

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