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Whether you’re looking for a simple last minute holiday project or stashing away ideas for next year’s decor, today’s project is going to impress you in a big way…literally!

As far as I’m concerned, hula hoops are the next biggest thing in crafting (did you see my hula hoop shelf on episode 5 of NBC Making It?!). Today I’m showing you how to give a proper Christmas makeover to your standard everyday hula hoop…and if you’re not sure where to find one, check the sporting goods section during your next trip to Target!

To create the huge holiday wreath, you’ll just need a few basics:

How to Make a Hula Hoop Wreath | damask lov

To create paper leaves, fold a piece of 6×6” cardstock in half and cut out a pointed half-oval shape. When you unfold the paper you’ll have a simple leaf shape. If you want an example of what I mean, take a trip over to my Giant Wreath class on Creativebug where you can watch me create a version of this project using Post-It Notes!

For my hula hoop, I used about 90 cardstock leaf shapes to create the entire wreath.

TIP: Use different shades of green to make your project a tad more fancy-schmancy looking!

With all your leaf shapes cut out, all you need to do is start glueing them into place with a hot glue gun.

How to Make a Hula Hoop Wreath | damask lov

TIP: With all the hot glue you’ll be using for this project, I highly recommend using a glue roll rather than glue sticks! This will save you the hassle of constantly reloading your glue gun every few minutes.

How to Make a Hula Hoop Wreath | damask lov

How to Make a Hula Hoop Wreath | damask lov

How to Make a Hula Hoop Wreath | damask lov

Once the wreath is filled with leaves, add a paper bow to finish it off! Oh, what’s that? You don’t know how to make a paper bow…girl…I’ve got you!

Jump over to Creativebug and watch Day 2 of my 30 Day of Cricut Holiday Crafting Class. I’ll show you just how easily this pretty bow comes together!

How to Make a Hula Hoop Wreath | damask lov

How to Make a Hula Hoop Wreath | damask lov

How to Make a Hula Hoop Wreath | damask lov

Keep on crafting with these other posts

76 thoughts on “How to Make a Hula Hoop Wreath

  1. Just the type of thing I was looking for! Against my dark olive green “accent” wall, white or ivory & light green would look great!! Thank you!

    1. Isn’t this cool, I thought of hanging it over the mirror above the fireplace! I love the idea of white or ivory on your wall!

  2. This is such a nice and cute project. The idea of doing it in an embroidery hoop is also great. I think you can adapt the project to many round frames.

  3. This project is awesome. I didn’t even know that a glue roll existed. This is such a game changer. Thanks for the FYI.

  4. ???❤️ HOW COOL !!! THANKS For Sharing And I It Is Nice BC YOU Can CUSTOMIZE it!! G-d Bless ❤️Also LOVE the Pencils! OUR daughter is a teacher I JUST Think They ARE CUTE ! G-d Bless ❤️

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  6. I absolutely love fall. The leaves changing colors, the cooler weather, and of course, Halloween. I love decorating for Halloween, and one of my favorite things to make is a hula hoop wreath. They’re so easy to make and you can really get creative with them. Here’s how to make your own hula hoop wreath:

    First, gather your supplies. You will need a hula hoop, a hot glue gun and glue sticks, fabric (I like to use burlap), ribbon, and any other decorations you want to add (pompoms, felt leaves, etc.).

    Next, wrap the fabric around the hula hoop and glue it in place. I like to do this in sections so that it’s not too overwhelming. Once the fabric is glued on, start adding your ribbon.

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  9. Crafting a Hula Hoop Wreath is more than just assembling materials; it’s a creative journey that weaves together nostalgia and innovation. With each colorful ribbon and carefully chosen ornament, you’re not just crafting a decorative piece; you’re curating a symbol of joy and expression. As you twirl and twist, memories of carefree childhood days might resurface, infusing the process with an emotional depth. The final result is more than a wreath; it’s a manifestation of your artistic spirit, ready to adorn your space with a touch of whimsy and a burst of heartfelt pride.

  10. Crafting paper leaves sounds like a delightful artistic endeavor! The versatility of paper allows for endless creativity, from intricate designs to vibrant colors. Whether for decorations, DIY projects, or educational purposes, these handmade leaves can add a touch of nature’s beauty to any setting.

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