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I have this thing about freshly printed magazines. I love them. Before the creases set in. Before you dog-ear the pages with photos of those shoes I’ll never buy. Before Markus rips it up into itty bitty pieces of magazine confetti. I have this thing about brand new magazines…and for that matter, I kind of have a love affair with any and all things  pretty and printed.

So what do you think happens with a print obsessed girl like myself partners with Canon to bring you a year’s worth of creative printable projects that you can create at home? Well, I’ll tell you what happens…a whole lot of happy and even more brainstorming. Brainstorming unique, easy and creative ways to get down with your printy, printy self using the Canon PIXMA iP8720  and the PIXMA MG7720. I’ve owned both of these printers for a while and I’m not kidding you that they do a spot on job – and in an impressive amount of time.

Easy Washi Tape Gallery Wall

I’m kicking off this year of printing with a project that is so easy, it’s almost embarrassing. It’s an easy washi tape gallery wall made with gift boxes– which may be foreign to you…because before today I’ve never seen it done, but it works beautifully!

Easy Washi Tape Gallery Wall

You’ll Need:

  • a white gift box, I used THIS premium gift box
  • washi tape
  • photos printed to the size of your box, for my large-ish box, I used my Canon PIXMA iP8720 since I could print two 8.5 x 11” photos onto a single 13 x 19” sheet of photo paper
  • double sided adhesive
  • scissors or paper trimmer

Easy Washi Tape Gallery Wall

  • Apply the washi tape around the entire edge of the top of the gift box

Easy Washi Tape Gallery Wall

  • Do the same for the edge of the bottom of the box. You don’t need to cover the entire edge since some of it will be covered when the box is closed.

Easy Washi Tape Gallery Wall

  • Use scissors or a paper trimmer to cut the photo to the precise dimensions of the front of your gift box. You may need to make several thin, sliver cuts to get it just right.

Easy Washi Tape Gallery Wall

  • Adhere double sided tape around the entire perimeter of the photo.

Easy Washi Tape Gallery Wall

  • Adhere the photo to the front of the gift box. To “hang” the photo, simply use adhesive on the back of the box then place it on the wall. Done!

Easy Washi Tape Gallery Wall

Easy Washi Tape Gallery WallThis easy washi tape gallery wall is not only a great way to create dimensional wall hangings that are and crazy inexpensive… but you can stash away some goods inside the gift boxes! Add a couple of hooks to hang keys or necklaces or even a little mad money! Have fun with it!

Easy Washi Tape Gallery Wall

Easy Washi Tape Gallery Wall

Easy Washi Tape Gallery Wall

Easy Washi Tape Gallery Wall

Easy Washi Tape Gallery Wall Easy Washi Tape Gallery Wall Easy Washi Tape Gallery Wall Easy Washi Tape Gallery Wall

I hope you love this easy washi tape gallery wall! I can’t wait to share a year of printing with youI I know lots of you have asked “What printer do you use?” and now I get to give you an in depth look at just how I use them! Let me know what you want to see and what questions you have! Let’s get printy!

This project was completed in partnership with Canon. All projects, photos and opinions are mine, mine, mine! Thanks for supporting the collaborations that keep the lights on in this joint!



Keep on crafting with these other posts

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