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Go big or go home, right? Welp – turns out you can go big from the comfort of your own home by whipping out your trusty Canon iP8720 Crafting  Printer. The iP8720 allows you to print a 13×19, edge-to-edge photo but the awesomeness doesn’t stop there. With a little creative cropping, you can craft up a statement wall art piece that measures 39×19”.

The idea for this project came after a photoshoot in the popular Wynwood Art district of my hometown, Miami. A lot of the photos were horizontal which got me to thinking about how I could make them more impactful. You’ll be shocked to know that a little tape and foam board were all I needed to make my vision come to life. Keep scrolling to learn how to print your own easy DIY tryptic wall art.

Print your own affordable DIY Tryptic Wall Print from your at home Canon iP8720 Crafting Printer.

You’ll Need:

  • A Canon iP8720 Crafting Printer
  • 13 x 19 Photo Paper
  • A yard stick
  • A craft knife
  • A pencil
  • Thick Foam Core (I used the ½” foam core available at the craft store)
  • Wide crafting tape (Heidi Swapp Marquee Tape or Duck Tape works perfectly for this)
  • A horizontal photo printed into three sections (to do this, upload your photo into a photo editing software and crop the entire photo so that it is 19” tall and 39” across. Then crop the photo into three equal sections and print them off from your iP8720 printer)


Lay one of your 13×19 photos onto the foam core and trace the edges with a pencil // Remove the photo and gently drag the craft knife along the straight edge of a yard stick that is lined up with your pencil markings // Cover the entire edge of the foam core with decorative crafting paint // Repeat this until you have three equal-sized pieces of foam core //Last, (not pictured) use spray adhesive or craft glue to adhere the photos onto each piece of foam core.

Print your own affordable DIY Tryptic Wall Print from your at home Canon iP8720 Crafting Printer.

Print your own affordable DIY Tryptic Wall Print from your at home Canon iP8720 Crafting Printer.

Print your own affordable DIY Tryptic Wall Print from your at home Canon iP8720 Crafting Printer.

Print your own affordable DIY Tryptic Wall Print from your at home Canon iP8720 Crafting Printer.

Because these wall art pieces are made from foam core, they are super light weight and can be hung on the wall with a few pieces of wall mounting adhesive.

Print your own affordable DIY Tryptic Wall Print from your at home Canon iP8720 Crafting Printer.

Print your own affordable DIY Tryptic Wall Print from your at home Canon iP8720 Crafting Printer. Print your own affordable DIY Tryptic Wall Print from your at home Canon iP8720 Crafting Printer.

Print your own affordable DIY Tryptic Wall Print from your at home Canon iP8720 Crafting Printer.



Keep on crafting with these other posts

7 thoughts on “Easy DIY Tryptic Wall Art

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