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I suppose I could just lie to you and say I’ve got Thanksgiving under control. That I’ve planned out the menu down to the last cresent roll. That I’ve done all the grocery shopping and have already started baking pies. I could tell you all those things, but I’d have to keep a steady eye out for the lightening bolt that will surely strike because those are all bold faced lies.

Truth is, I’m a bit  behind the eight ball this year. Ain’t no turkey in the fridge and homemade pumpkin pie is the last thing on my mind…unless of course, you plan on coming to my house and baking it for me. Come on over! We’d love to have you.

So far, I have only a few things planned. I already bought some cranberry sauce…the kind in the can, because I only want cranberry sauce in the shape of a cylinder with wavy ridges down the side.  I placed an order for Hatian stewed goat.  I’ll explain that later, but if you live in Miami you probably understand.  I’ve printed out our table setting…and last, but not least, I’ve crafted up some incredibly simple DIY pumpkin pie placecards.  These placecards are so easy, that even the most last-minute of Thanksgiving planners can execute these. Let me prove it.

DIY Pumpkin Pie Placecards | damask love

Chances are you already have some of these supplies laying around. If you dont, go get em! It’ll be worth it for this adorable project.

DIY Pumpkin Pie Placecards | damask love

DIY Pumpkin Pie Placecards | damask love

Use the serrated knife to cut the foam into a wedge.

DIY Pumpkin Pie Placecards | damask love

DIY Pumpkin Pie Placecards | damask love

DIY Pumpkin Pie Placecards | damask love

Paint the wedge using Americana Canyon Orange. I found that this shade is the perfect pumpkin pie color.

DIY Pumpkin Pie Placecards | damask love

DIY Pumpkin Pie Placecards | damask love

Apply hot glue to the bottom of the foam wedge then adhere it to a large rectangle cut from fun foam.

DIY Pumpkin Pie Placecards | damask love

DIY Pumpkin Pie Placecards | damask love

Apply hot glue to the back of the foam wedge, then fold up the fun foam to cover this area

DIY Pumpkin Pie Placecards | damask love

DIY Pumpkin Pie Placecards | damask love

Trim off the excess foam, then cut a wavy “crust”

DIY Pumpkin Pie Placecards | damask love

Glue on a white pom pom for a dollop of whipped cream

DIY Pumpkin Pie Placecards | damask love

DIY Pumpkin Pie Placecards | damask love

Use wire cutters to bend circles on the end of the wire. Push the wire into the foam to create a placecard holder.

DIY Pumpkin Pie Placecards | damask love

DIY Pumpkin Pie Placecards | damask love

DIY Pumpkin Pie Placecards | damask love

DIY Pumpkin Pie Placecards | damask love

DIY Pumpkin Pie Placecards | damask love

Okay, who’s ready for some last minute crafting for your Thanksgiving table!?

Keep on crafting with these other posts

14 thoughts on “DIY Pumpkin Pie Placecards

  1. So cute! You got me thinking Mod podge collage clay would be another great option for whip cream topping and add a little brown/bronze glitter for the look of cinnamon

  2. Where is a good & easy place to buy the foam block? I can’t say I have ever had to look for one before. Thank you!

  3. Wow, cool post. I’d like to write like this too – taking time and real hard work to make a great article… but I put things off too much and never seem to get started. Thanks though

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