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Raise your hand high if you had a sticker collection. Bonus points if you STILL have a sticker collection. The mid-eighties were the height of my sticker collecting years. It was when you could buy stickers straight off the roll and they came in all varieties. There were oil stickers, puffy stickers and then there were the coveted scratch-n-sniff ones. Those were reserved for the most special of recipients. I took my stickers so, so seriously. Still do. Today I’m reviving the days when side ponies were king and scratch-n-sniff ruled the land. Turns out it’s pretty easy to create your own scratch-n-sniff stickers and I’m going ot show you exactly how it’s done. I’ve even partnered with Canon to bring you an exclusive printable that is just waiting to come to life with all the smelly smells.

For downloadable printables like the one in today’s DIY, I use my Canon PIXMA MG7720.  It’s my everyday printer and can handle cardstock without a problem and the colors come out vibrant and bold.

Bring back the 80's and create your own DIY Printable Scratch and Sniff Stickers with your Canon PIXMA MG7720 Printer

To make these DIY scratch-n-sniff stickers, you’ll need:

  1. The free printable by K.Becca – keep scrolling to download it!
  2. A 1 ½” circle punch (or scissors)
  3. Sugar-Free Jello – must be sugar-free! Regular Jello won’t work.
  4. Clear embossing powder and a bowl
  5. A heat gun tool
  6. A ½ teaspoon measure
  7. Canon PIXMA MG7720

DIY Printable Scratch and Sniff Stickers | damask lovePunch out the printable stickers using a 1 ½” circle punch or use scissors

DIY Printable Scratch and Sniff Stickers | damask loveMeasure out TWO scoops of clear embossing powder with the ½” teaspoon

DIY Printable Scratch and Sniff Stickers | damask loveMeasure out ONE scoop of the sugar-free Jello ( you are creating a ratio of 2:1, embossing powder to jello, so feel free to adjust these measurements to the amount you need)

DIY Printable Scratch and Sniff Stickers | damask loveMix both together until well blended

DIY Printable Scratch and Sniff Stickers | damask loveUse the embossing pen to color in the image. The ink in the pen is clear so you won’t see  anything show up on the paper.

DIY Printable Scratch and Sniff Stickers | damask loveImmediately sprinkle the embossing mix over the sticker – it will stick to where you placed the embossing ink

DIY Printable Scratch and Sniff Stickers | damask loveUse the heat gun to melt the embossing powder, then allow the sticker to cool down.

DIY Printable Scratch and Sniff Stickers | damask loveTo create a sticker, run each circle through a sticker maker.

Once you’re done making your stickers, you can use them in any way you want. I opted to create simple scratch-n-sniff notecards.

DIY Printable Scratch and Sniff Stickers | damask love

DIY Printable Scratch and Sniff Stickers | damask love

Bring back the 80's and create your own DIY Printable Scratch and Sniff Stickers with your Canon PIXMA MG7720 Printer

DIY Printable Scratch and Sniff Stickers | damask love

Bring back the 80's and create your own DIY Printable Scratch and Sniff Stickers with your Canon PIXMA MG7720 Printer

DIY Printable Scratch and Sniff Stickers | damask love

DIY Printable Scratch and Sniff Stickers | damask love

Now it’s your turn to print out some stickers and start crafting! And, if you’re on the hunt for a printer, check out the Canon PIXMA MG7720. It’s my new bestie and I’m pretty sure you’ll love it too.

DIY Printable Scratch and Sniff Stickers | damask love

Illustrations: Kristen Magee of K.Becca

Photography & Styling: Amber Kemp-Gerstel


This project was completed in partnership with Canon. All projects, photos and opinions are mine, mine, mine! Thanks for supporting the collaborations that keep the lights on in this joint!



Keep on crafting with these other posts

94 thoughts on “DIY Printable Scratch and Sniff Stickers

  1. Siriously??? Are you joking??? How could you even think about a project like this? this is amazing!

  2. I’m looking at incorporating this technique into a scratch and sniff wall for a Willy Wonka themed event. The sugar free options are limited, but I noticed that you said the regular Jell-O didn’t work. What happened when you used the regular Jell-O? Thanks!

    1. It won’t stick. I was having this problem
      As I had remembered long ago mixing hello with embossing powder. But I forgot the sugar free jello was the one I was suppose to be using. Lesson learned. Must use sugar free.

  3. Oh my gosh I am in awe. This is awesome!
    Also said “Are you s***in me” with excitement.

    1. You are so creative and you speak my language of stickers and rainbows! Somewhere around here I still have my coveted Lisa Frank sticker box stashed filled with Lisa Frank stickers. It’s probably worth about a million dollars now, right? Lol!

  4. I received this link in an email but I can not download. The download link says download id = and some numbers. Just wanted to pass this along.

  5. Hinis it possible to get the fruit link? I love the fall ones we get when I click but would love the fruit ones please

  6. I was wondering if you could make some scratch and sniff stickers for me. I want to use joe bidens image of him sniffing a person and have the person blacked out. Is this possible to make? Not 100% sure on the scent yet. I think this will be a HUGE hit!

  7. How do you custom fit the scent of the sticker to what you would like your audience to experience. Is it the jello that gives it the aroma?

    Thank you for your time,
    -David Hunter

  8. Hi Amber,
    I love this idea and I need to make custom stickers that show waffles with syrup and butter. Do you have any idea how I could get that scent for my stickers?


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