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I’m still trying to figure out how I can gild myself in gold. Closest I’ve come is that bronzing cream from the MAC Cosmetics counter…and you need to use a gentle hand with that stuff or else you end up looking like the love child of  King Midas and one of the Jersey Shore kids.

I think this is precisely why I opt for embossing everything with gold. I can’t even tell you how many bottles of gold embossing powder I’ve gone through in my crafting “career.” Lots. Tons.

I’m about to put another bottle in the books after discovering my new favorite crafting tool…the Versamarker Embossing Pen. For you experienced embossers, you can imagine how great this little pen is. It’s not new to the market, but it is new to me – so I’m here to share a simple project with this gem of a pen.

Handwritten Embossed Notecards: Supplies | Damask Love Blog{1} Gold Embossing Powder

{2} Embossing Magic Bag

{3} Black cardstock cut to 4bar size: 3 1/2″ x 4 7/8″

{4} Versamarker Embossing Pen

{5} Embossing Heat Gun

DIY Gold Embossed Handwritten Notecards | Damask Love Blog

{1} Rub cardstock with embossing bag. This will decrease the static and allow the embossing powder to only stick to the Versamarker.

{2} Use the pen to handwrite your choice of sentiment onto the cardstock

{3} Pour embossing powder on to card, covering your handwriting. Then shake off excess.

{4} not pictured: go over powder with heat gun until the embossing powder is set.What is a Versamarker | Damask Love BlogPerhaps the most awesome three bucks you can spend on a crafting tool. I was a little hesitant about how well this would work – but in the end I was thoroughly impressed. The ink flows from the pen very easily and leaves a clear and consistent “residue” of embossing ink. The ink is slow drying and allows plenty of time for you to apply your powder. There are two tips on the pen; a fine one and a broader one, which I used on this project.

DIY Gold Embossed Handwritten Notecards | Damask Love Blog

DIY Gold Embossed Handwritten Notecards | Damask Love Blog

I backed each of these flat notecards with white cardstock to make it easier to write on them. That was probably the most complicated task of the entire project. So really – you have no excuse to not make a pile of these pretties.

DIY Gold Embossed Handwritten Notecards | Damask Love Blog

So fun, right? Handwriting is such a hot trend in design right now, why not add some gold loveliness to your scribbles. There’s a solid chance that the next time I sign a paper document, I’m doing it in gold.

Keep on crafting with these other posts

43 thoughts on “DIY Gold Embossed & Handwritten Notecards

  1. Love your notecards! I just bought a Versamarker a couple of weeks ago and it is so much fun…wish I’d tried it a long time ago.

  2. Love these cards! Never tried embossing, I guess Germany is just not that advanced when it comes to new crafting ideas 😉

  3. Totally love it! I’ve had one of those markers for several years and found it comes in handy for several things. I will add this to the list.

  4. These are fantastic! I bought a Versamarker a while ago and haven’t used it. This gives me inspiration! I just hope the marker is dried out. 🙂

  5. I love this idea! I’ve used the Versamarker to shade die cuts subtlely, but have not actually embossed with it! Now I have another way to use this great pen! Thanks so much for sharing!

  6. I have often looked at his marker, now I know I want…I mean “need” one 🙂

    LOVE the bold handwritten notecards!

  7. Thanks for the fun idea. I’ve had one for ages, but rarely remember to use it. Will give this a try. Thanks!

  8. Your cards look so sharp! Totally agree with you on a love of gold… I always think everything looks richer with even just a bit of metallic shine.

  9. This is such an easy but clever idea!
    It looks so elegant and fun.

    I was just wondering if you know why my paper bends when I heat it with the heat gun. Is there some way to prevent this?
    Thanks for your answer!

    1. Hi Urksa!

      Sorry that I took so long to answer this question! So – you are not doing anything wrong. It’s pretty common for the paper to bend when you heat emboss it. To fix this, I usually just lay the card between the pages of a heavy book. In a few hours it will be completely flat again.


  10. I’m going to have to try this. Lovely! I didn’t know there was such a thing as a embossing pen. OMG!

  11. WOW ~ these really pop! Have had a VersaMarker for a few years now but never think to use it. Better check it out on a trial run afer seeing your inspiration. Thanks, Amber!

  12. I’m a new follower to your awesome blog.
    If you dont mind me asking, what font do you use for the circled numbers in your instructions? Been searching for ages!

  13. Hi, I just saw this and I have to admit that I LOVE my embossing pen. I have had one for ages and use it on a lot of projects. The great thing about this is that the ink is clear and there are a rainbow of different embossing powders you can use on it and have all kinds and colors of unique designs. I don’t create anything very often but I love bling when I do – my husband tells everyone not to sit still too long or I will have them glittered!

  14. Do you absolutely need the magic bag or can you write directly on the paper? I can’t wait to try this out, but haven’t been able to find the magic bag.

    1. If you don’t have the magic bag you can rub the paper down with a little cornstarch and it will serve the same purpose. It just helps ensure that you don’t have little stray flakes of embossing powders stuck to the paper. Hope this helps!

  15. Where did you find those pretty colored envelopes? i’ve had a hard time finding nice colored ones that don’t come with cards. Thanks!

  16. You are sharing such interesting ideas! Thank you for that! At this time I’m working as a writer, and I really like ideas that touch handwriting. In my opinion, handwriting it is a great thing to do with kids, because it develops creativity and imagination in kids. I would like to this with my younger sister. Thank you a lot for sharing this article, you are sharing amazing type of content, I hope that you will continue doing this because your ideas helps for a huge amount of kids and their parents!

    Daniel Carry
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