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I’m still trying to figure out how I can gild myself in gold. Closest I’ve come is that bronzing cream from the MAC Cosmetics counter…and you need to use a gentle hand with that stuff or else you end up looking like the love child of  King Midas and one of the Jersey Shore kids.

I think this is precisely why I opt for embossing everything with gold. I can’t even tell you how many bottles of gold embossing powder I’ve gone through in my crafting “career.” Lots. Tons.

I’m about to put another bottle in the books after discovering my new favorite crafting tool…the Versamarker Embossing Pen. For you experienced embossers, you can imagine how great this little pen is. It’s not new to the market, but it is new to me – so I’m here to share a simple project with this gem of a pen.

Handwritten Embossed Notecards: Supplies | Damask Love Blog{1} Gold Embossing Powder

{2} Embossing Magic Bag

{3} Black cardstock cut to 4bar size: 3 1/2″ x 4 7/8″

{4} Versamarker Embossing Pen

{5} Embossing Heat Gun

DIY Gold Embossed Handwritten Notecards | Damask Love Blog

{1} Rub cardstock with embossing bag. This will decrease the static and allow the embossing powder to only stick to the Versamarker.

{2} Use the pen to handwrite your choice of sentiment onto the cardstock

{3} Pour embossing powder on to card, covering your handwriting. Then shake off excess.

{4} not pictured: go over powder with heat gun until the embossing powder is set.What is a Versamarker | Damask Love BlogPerhaps the most awesome three bucks you can spend on a crafting tool. I was a little hesitant about how well this would work – but in the end I was thoroughly impressed. The ink flows from the pen very easily and leaves a clear and consistent “residue” of embossing ink. The ink is slow drying and allows plenty of time for you to apply your powder. There are two tips on the pen; a fine one and a broader one, which I used on this project.

DIY Gold Embossed Handwritten Notecards | Damask Love Blog

DIY Gold Embossed Handwritten Notecards | Damask Love Blog

I backed each of these flat notecards with white cardstock to make it easier to write on them. That was probably the most complicated task of the entire project. So really – you have no excuse to not make a pile of these pretties.

DIY Gold Embossed Handwritten Notecards | Damask Love Blog

So fun, right? Handwriting is such a hot trend in design right now, why not add some gold loveliness to your scribbles. There’s a solid chance that the next time I sign a paper document, I’m doing it in gold.

Keep on crafting with these other posts

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