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For almost a year, I’ve been keeping a big secret from you…arguably the biggest secret ever!  Many of you caught wind of this exciting news with the release of THIS NBC commercial featuring televisions favorite BFF’s – Amy Poehler and Nick Offerman. For those of you who still have no idea what I’m talking about – here’s the scoop!

This summer, NBC is launching the first ever network crafting competition show, called Making It. The show features eight competitors crafting their way toward the title of Master Maker. Among this cast of makers, is your’s truly – the colorful, opinionated girl behind this blog that many of you have followed for YEARS.

If you’ve followed the journey of this show, you know that last year it went by the working title of “The Handmade Project” and many…like THIRTY…of you, sent me emails, messages and texts telling me to apply. I wasn’t sold on the application process. I truly figured it would never happen – so why bother. Well – it turns out I couldn’t have been more wrong. The universe had much bigger plans for me and despite my Negative Nelly attitude, I landed one of the eight coveted spots as a competitor on this incredible show.

Here’s the really amazing part – you see – I’m just like you. I’ve been hungry for this type of television show for as long as I can remember. You and me…we are crafters. We are makers. We like paper and glue and paint and long walks down the sticker aisle at JOANN. We devour online crafting tutorials and blogs because we’ll do anything for our next crafty fix. We swoon when there is a crafting segment on a local or national morning show. We even tune in to home improvement shows because they are the closest thing to crafting that we can find on television. This is what makes Making It so incredible. With or without me as a competitor, this show is going to change things. It’s going to get people like you and me even more excited about making. It’s going to bring novices into the fold of DIY. It’s going to introduce a team of talented makers to the world, who might have never been recognized.  This show is going to be good, friends…and I can say that with 100% confidence…because I was there!

Today is an exciting day because I can officially confirm my participation in this incredible television show. Today let’s celebrate cheer for each one of the cast members of Making It. If you don’t already know them, HERE’S the lineup and direct links to their social media handles: Jemma // Jeffery // Robert // Joanna // Khiem // Nicole // Billy….and of course me, Amber. Pay them all a visit and leave some kind words if you’re so inclined. Now is the time to share the love – because come 10PM EST on Tuesday, July 31st, 2018 – it’ll be all about the competition and who can make the cut (see what I did there).


Premieres Tuesday, July 31st


Stay tuned for a ton of exciting Damask Love events and activities in celebration of my participation in Making It…you may wanna even sign up for the Damask Love Newsletter!

Keep on crafting with these other posts

62 thoughts on “Damask Love is “Making It” on NBC

  1. I would have loved to follow your progress on the show, but alas, I think from Italy that will be a bit of a problem. Hope to see updates on your progress through the newsletters. Best of luck! Virtually waving a hand made flag with “Damask Love” written in pearlescent sequins on it for you.

  2. Wow, you did an amazing job on the show. Thank you for all of your work behind the scenes. I get that part of crafting and am doing it with my grandchildren. I have severe Rheumatoid Arthritis. My Cricut is my best friend on many of my bad days. Thank you for your wonderful time spending what you love. That’s so important in life.

  3. Hey! I love the unicorn u made!
    I would pay like 30 dollars for one of those.
    U should totally sell them!

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