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Back when I posted the baker’s twine storage solution, lots of you offered awesome suggestions of craft supplies that could use a little organization in your craftroom. Cheryl Hutcherson must have been reading my mind when she asked about storage fo 6×6 patterned paper pads. Up until recently, my storage solution for patterned paper has been a pile…in the middle of the floor. Classy.

No mas! My patterned paper pads are all cozy and organized now, and I’m here to show you my system

Like most other crafters, I am a patterned paper hoarder. I just like to look at it and touch it. And now that I sound like a lunatic, let me show you how I organize this stuff.

Corral the Chaos: The Pattern Paper Files | Damask Love Blog

Patterned Paper FileSince I am not a scrapbooker, 6″x 6″ patterned paper pads are ideal for me. Often, I even cut my 12″ x 12″ sheets down into quarters so that they’ll fit into this filing system.

This silver mesh DVD bin from the Container Store is perfect and inexpensive! It fits two rows of paper pads across without being to snug or running the risk of marring the paper.

I use a rainbow of die cut tabs to divide the paper pads by manufacturer/collection name. This way I know what I have and can access it quickly. I find that having this visible system encourages me to use my patterned paper more.

Creating Tabs for Patterned Paper

With the paper pads all tucked in their bed, it’s nice to have a system for seeing what I have – without digging through the file.  Enter: my beloved swatchbooks. Super cheap and so worth the extra 15 minutes it takes to create the

Patterned Paper Swatchbooks

I have three swatchbooks, that I divide into “Blah,” “Basic” and “Bold”…making it really fun and easy to combine patterns. To create these, I reached for my Fiskars Fuse! Remember how it can cut through 10 sheets of cardstock at once? Well – it only takes a few cuts to create a patterned paper swatchbook like this.

Fiskars Fuse Die for Tag Swatchbook


And with all this talk of patterned paper, it only makes sense that I would do a giveaway for the upcoming Online Card Class: Pattern Play

In the class, I’ll be sharing my “Blah-Basic-Bold” approach to patterned paper in action – so I hope you’ll join me!

If you love pretty patterned paper, grab your favorites and make the most of your stash. You’ll learn tips & tricks for discovering clean & simple as well as advanced techniques. Pattern Play includes tons of card ideas…ALL with videos! The class runs March 18-23, but you’ll have lifetime access to the content. Sign up now – only $16!


Keep on crafting with these other posts

134 thoughts on “Corral the Chaos: The Pattern Paper Files

  1. Great storage solution for those 6×6 pads of paper I have so many of. I love the container store too. My fav is definitely polka dots.

  2. Already signed up! See you in class, Amber. OCC is how I found your blog to begin with, 4 classes ago!
    Patterned paper: I love it all unless it is cutesy/ cartoonish.

  3. Ooh that’s tough. I love polka dots but also stripes in the form of chevrons. This sounds like such a great class. I need to go check it out 🙂

  4. Great storage solution Amber! I love patterned paper and I love the online card classes so can’t wait for this one.

  5. Amazing ideas….now just find the time – LOL

    I love most patterned papers but I do gravitate toward floral!

  6. I love ALL kinds of paper and am definitely a hoarder! I love polka dots, and have lots, but rarely use it!
    The hardest part of making a card for me is picking what goes together…

  7. Great idea for store the 6×6 paper pad. I love all pretty patterned paper. It”s the color of the paper I really care about. Thanks for the chance to win.

  8. This is great Amber! I have been wondering how I was going to organize my patterned paper too. It’s just piled one on top of another and has fallen like bricks one too many times already! Great post and great giveaway! 🙂

  9. I love florals i guess it is because i have grown up learning the names of flowers and flowers trees and bushes which has been hand down for four generations. my mother and grandmother and greatgrand mother taught i have always had a love for florals.and i have been teaching my daughter.

  10. I love patterned paper, especially florals but really all types of patterns. Your storage solution is great! Thanks for a chance to win the class.

  11. I have a towering pile of these pads–I like this idea! Did you adhere the tabs to a regular sheet of cardstock?

    I love all types patterned paper, but I usually am most drawn to florals. Just bought the new Maggie Holmes Crate paper pad this morning!

  12. When it stops snowing I’m heading to the Container Store!!! My patterned paper is out of control and you have inspired me to get organized. I LOVE LOVE LOVE polka dots. They make me happy:-) Thanks for the chance!

  13. I love plattreed paper and own a lot of 6×6 pads but I am affraid to use them!!! The patterns are overwhelming and I can’t make it work. When I see cards from other crafters I love them!! Question about the tags: if you die cut every pattern you only have one sheet to use, or do you buy more than one pad?

  14. Great storage idea! Too bad I’m out of US so no Container Store. I have lots of 6×6 pads and I’m mostly hoarding them. Not sure why. They are really pretty but I just find it hard to use them on cards. I don’t have any preference but I’m into the Basic and Blah designs as per your swatch. Bold designs are just too challenging for me. Thanks for the chance to win.

  15. this is the class for me – am like all the rest of the pp hoarders – love to look at it and sometimes can’t bear to cut it up! thanks for a chance to win.

  16. Stripes. Postmark stripes, rainbow stripes, all kinds of stripes! I’ve been hoarding a lot of 6×6 pads these days too… because they’re just the perfect size for card makers!

  17. I do love dotty patterned paper, it always makes me smile but I also love papers with simple patterns that come in bold and vivid colours. Thanks for sharing your storage system and thanks for a chance to win a spot in the class!

  18. Aw, thanks for mentioning my name/blog in your post! What a treat! I’m so ordering me one of those bins! Love it! You’re not a lunatic for looking at and touching your 6×6’s…it only turns into lunatic status when you start smelling it and rubbing it all over your face! (Not that I’ve ever done that, of course!) 🙂 Thanks for the giveaway! I love polkadots!

  19. I love ALL kinds of paper and you can count me in as a hoarder! I love polka dots,and stripes.I too love and collect the 6×6 paper packs! The hardest part of making a card for me also is picking what goes together…so I just collect….

  20. I have started collecting more 6×6 pads – thanks for the storage solution. So when you make your swatches are these cut right out of that pad?
    I am usually more interested in color than pattern – guess I’ll go with stripes. Thanks for a chance to win this class – it sounds great!

  21. I can always count on you for humor. This had me literally laughing out loud. “I am a patterned paper hoarder. I just like to look at it and touch it.” Hilarious! Only because, of course, I can relate. Neat organization idea. I think I’m drawn to geometric designs right now: chevron, Greek key, stripes, etc. Thanks for the laugh & the chance to win.

  22. Love the old Memory Box patterns, lately Lawn Fawn’s and Fancy Pants. Truth is, I ahave a mega-hoard from lots of companies. My bad.

  23. I would love to win a spot but I truly like how you fixed the 6×6 pads b/c it is something I need to do. Thanks Tam

  24. aaaaaak!!! just ordered the bin from the container store, LOVE that store, thank God there isn’t one close to me 🙂
    thanks for the chance to win!

  25. I love your idea for your paper and especially cutting down the 12 x 12 pieces, I always have to cut in down to get it through the cuttlebug. Thanks for the fab giveaway, I would love to take one of these classes. I to (heart) waaay to much paper, I to am a horder.

  26. Stripes are one of my favorites. You can cut them on the diagonal to changes up and add more interest.

  27. I love your storage ideas! I so need to organize my craft space. Polka dots and stripes always get me. I must check out this class!

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