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In everyone’s life there comes the moment when you realize you’re “old.” For my mom, that moment probably happened when she asked me how to get to the App Store. You guys, she thought that the App Store was a physical location where you go to purchase apps for your phone. Bless.

For other people that moment happens when all the young kids think that Adele is the first person to sing “Make Me Feel My Love” and they have no clue who Bonnie Raitt is.  Blasphemy.

Then there’s most that moment happens when you see that the teen kids are wearing fashion that you wore when you were a high school. For me, this is the current state of my life. 90’s fashion is on the rise. Flannel shirts and chokers are everywhere. Let’s just say this – You’ll have to choke me before I put on a choker. I did it in high school and I’m not doing it again.

With all the fashion trends I’d like to forget, flair pins and patches are the one thing I don’d mind. Actually, I kind of love them. A lot. I will gladly break out my denim jacket and rock some flair! But there’s one problem – when you’re trying to build up your flair collection, it’s easy to break the bank. Individual enamel pins can cost $10 each and patches can be equally pricey. That can quickly turn into a few hundred dollars on flair if you want to have a bunch to choose from! This week on the blog, we’re celebrating flair with lots of DIY’s, videos and more. Let’s kick off Flair Week with a little round up of where to buy affordable flair pins and patches . Every single one of these costs less than $5 per piece of flair  – with a few a inexpensive as a buck each!

  1. 25 assorted patches for $10!! You guys – this is such a fun deal! They are the cutest bunch of patches including pizza, lips, ice cream, emojis and more. If you’re not sure how to use patches, stick with me kid – we’re going to tackle that this week too!
  2. Darice Happy Jackets. Darice is one of my favorite craft companies and they’ve just released a huge collection of enamel flair pins. Each set comes with four pins and costs only $4. Check out the full collection. My personal fave is the mermaid!
  3. Pinmart has a TON of flair to choose from and you can buy in bulk. One pin will cost you $3.99, but if you’re in the market for 500+, you can get them down to $1.39. You and your closest 499 friends will love you for it.
  4. My Minds Eye Enamel Faux Pin. Craft companies are getting in on the flair fun. These faux pins from My Mind’s Eye are intended for scrapbooking and crafting. They don’t have a pinback on them but with a little glue you can add your own!
  5. These enamel pin sets are super affordable and prove that Amazon may just the best place to shop for flair! Just search “enamel pins” and you’ll find a treasure trove of reasonably priced pins that fit your style!
  6. Where to Buy Affordable Flair Pins and Patches | damask love

Now that you’ve got the run down on some great, affordable flair…what kind of flair pin would you rock?!

Keep on crafting with these other posts

8 thoughts on “Where to Buy Affordable Flair Pins & Patches

  1. How fun! I like the Consumer Crafts pins. Thanks for the link to that site. I was not familiar with them and see some other craft goodies I need to check out…

  2. So glad you shared this! I love the pin trend, but really don’t love spending up to $15 on a single pin – though I love the artists and sellers and would love to support them. These pins are right up my alley cost wise.

  3. I can empathize with the author as she recalls the fashion trends of the 90s and the prices of decorative items. Thank you for sharing helpful information with us.

  4. Great list! It’s always helpful to find good sources for affordable flair pins and patches. Love seeing all the different styles out there.

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