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Did you see yesterday’s post?!  Well, today I’m still in a superhero state of mind, but this time around, I’m sharing all the behind-the-scenes projects that went into executing my superhero picnic. Now, in the spirit of full disclosure, this party did take work, but not a ton.  I put the whole thing together in a week – so it’s totally doable. My biggest strategy in creating this party was using the same stamps, dies and inks over and over and over…and over again. So keep reading and I’ll share several tips for executing your own paper crafted parties…and sparing your sanity in the process..


It took me about 1 hour to put these disguises together. I traced the eyemask shape onto felt then cut it out. A few stitches on my sewing machine to attach the ribbon ties and that was it!  For the wrists bands, I simply used strips of felt and glued on stars. Felt was a great option for creating these wrists bands since paper would have been much rougher on their little wrists.


  • Clear & Simple Stamps Felt in Blue and Red.
  • Clear & Simple Stamps Stars Dies.
  • Sew On Velcro
  • Ribbon Scraps for ties on mask
The caption says it all. For the whopping price of $2.99 I was able to makes six kid sized super hero capes from a plastic, red tablecloth! On the back of each cape, I used stamps to personalize them and dies to complete the super hero motif.
Choose 3 dies, 3 stamp sets and 3 ink colors that you would like to feature throughout your party. Use them repeatedly to create a cohesive theme and save yourself the time of rethinking the design each time to create for a different element of your party.


12midnight. Laying in bed. Falling asleep. Envisioning the upcoming super hero picnic and brainstorming ideas. Inspiration strikes. Bolt to the craftroom. Make these.

I knew I wanted to create classis superhero shields for this party, but I wasn’t sure how to make it happen. I could draw them and cut them out…OR I could do something way more creative and turn my hexagon dies into shields. Yep. I’ll go with option #2!


Sketch out your focal table. Dessert tables are all the rage and designing one is much easier when you sketch the layout beforehand. This sketch will help you figure out which plates you may need to use, how many labels you’ll need to create and if you have enough space for all your elements.

Papercrafted Superhero Treats

A picnic isn’t a picnic until you’ve got something to eat. There was plenty at this party – each with coordinating labels!


Transporting cupcakes can be a real pain and a real mess! Toss out that big, cumbersome unitasker that you own. You know it. The tiered tupperware thing that is solely meant for transporting cupcakes! Instead, toss all of your unfrosted cupcakes into a smaller tupperware container and place your frosting into a large zip top bag. When you reach your destination, quickly set out the cupcakes, snip the tip of the bag and add the frosting in a couple of minutes. I find this technique to be a lot easier on my nerves (nothing worse than toppled cupcakes) and a big space saver!

Papercrafted Superhero Treats

I wish I could take full credit for these superhero registration, but I can’t. I got the idea from THIS blog post that I came across in my Google Reader. With permission from the original creator, I designed a child-friendly version of his registration card and now I get to share them with you! The photo frame on these cards is designed to perfectly fit a polaroid from camera.

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Keep on crafting with these other posts

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