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And just like that the premiere episode of Making It has come and gone. Luckily, I’ve got a TON of images that will keep the party going and keep you inspired until Episode Two.

In true Damask Love form, we kept things simple, reasonable, small and demure. That last sentence was a lie.

As soon as I knew the premiere date of the show, I started planning this event. I knew it had to be big – after all, this is the FIRST EVER network television show all about crafting…and oh, yeah… I happen to be one of the cast members! I knew the party would be colorful. It would include plenty of changes to craft…and it would absolutely include JOANN, my go to crafting spot. To be honest, I had a pretty good vision of the event – except for one thing – I COMPLETELY underestimated the number of people who wanted to come!

Initially, I thought we’d host 50 or so people at a nice quaint location. Maybe someone’s home. Maybe a cute restaurant. Spoiler alert: that didn’t happen. Rather than describe it to you, let me SHOW you what happens when 150 beautiful, creative souls come together to celebrate the premiere of Making It…Damask Love style.

Any good party needs a fair bit of set up – except in this case – we didn’t have that luxury! The premiere party was held at the amazing Miami Ad School in Wynwood. Since it’s a school, there were classes all day long, which meant we had to wait until the last class dismissal before set up could formally begin. No biggie. If Making It taught me anything, it’s how to thrive under time constraints! The only thing I DIDN’T bank on, was the line! A line. A LINE!!! The Damask Lovely squad DOES NOT play around when it comes to a crafty party. Guests began arriving as early as 7PM and patiently waited outside until doors open at 9PM.

Finally it was officially time to open the doors and let everyone in. In true Damask Lovely form, everyone was excited but also on their best behavior. I mean, just because we’re a fun bunch doesn’t mean we get rowdy, right?!

The obvious first stop for every attendee was the photo installation created by Lilly of The Creative Heart Studio. Together Lilly and I dreamed up a 12’x12′ rainbow room filled with larger than life craft supplies. I think we can all agree that Lilly KILLED IT! Everyone LOVED the installation and I’m sure you can see why.

Now, rainbow photoshoops* were not the only thing to keep busy once the doors opened! Upstairs was a trio of maker stations featuring crafting supplies from..yep, you guessed it…JOANN! Guests moved from station to station and created their own felt floral crowns, crafty merit badges and foiled wall art.

In addition to all the crafting, we also needed snacks. Lots of them. Three snack stations surrounded the downstairs gallery – because all crafters need snacks to keep up their stamina. Am I right?!

Thanks to Trolli USA, we had a candy buffet filled with gummies and guests were able to build their own candy kabobs! So fun!

The rainbow theme continued with a “Build your Own Cupcake” station, where each person could pick a cupcake and customize it with sprinkles and frosting.

We got things poppin’ at the popcorn station where you could choose from a selection of mix-ins to build your own personalized box of popcorn.

And if you’re gonna cut loose on cupcakes, candy and popcorn – you’d better have some kind of beverage. Harmless Harvest Coconut Water came to the rescue, and it didn’t hurt that the water is pink…obvi.

With a little crafting and snacking out of the way, we were all ready to settle in to watch the main event…but first I had a chance to thank all of the wonderful people who took time out to support me and this awesome show. There was a special thank you to all FOURTEEN Damask Lovelies who flew into Miami JUST for the party – from as far as Wisconsin, New York, Tennessee, Illinois, Texas and even Canada! How amazing is that?!

After saying a few “thank yous” I handed the microphone over to the awesome team from JOANN, who had a little something specail up their sleeve! You’ll never believe what it was:

For at least two years, I’ve joked around with the JOANN team about having my own, personal, golden shopping cart! Never did I think it would ACTUALLY happen! I was wrong. Stay tuned because I will surely be taking this with me on a trip to my local JOANN store!

With just a few minutes to spare, we settled in for the premiere episode of Making It. All eyes were glued on the screen!

…and thanks to OttLite, we could even keep crafting while the show was on!

SWAG TIME! As soon as the episode ended, it was time to hand out some swag! Each guest received a bag filled with my favorite crafting supplies from JOANN – unicorn themed, of course!

WHAT A NIGHT! I’m so grateful for everyone who attended and so grateful to JOANN for partnering with Damask Love to host the best premiere party ever! Please leave a comment letting me know your thoughts on the premiere episode! Did you watch? Are you inspired?! Tell me all about it!!

But before you go, here are a few photos of me with friends, family and of course, a bevy of Damask Lovelies!

Thanks again for all your love and support as I take this awesome journey as a competitor on NBC’s Making It! If you haven’t already seen the first episode – go watch now!! It’s available on the NBC App and on Hulu.

*Lilly and I love to refer to “photoshoots” as “photoshoops” – its’ a long story but feel free to join us with this little inside joke!

Keep on crafting with these other posts

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