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I guess I’m on a candy kick. Last week it was candy corn and today is a lesson is peppermint candy. Much like candy corn, I don’t particularly care for peppermints, but I can appreciate how cute they are, which is all that really matters, right?

Todays Easy Like Sunday Morning lesson is a little more “technique-y” than usual but I think y’all can handle it. No, I know you can! Chances are you already have the materials you need for this project so let’s get started because once you get the hang of this – you’re gonna love it. I promise.

Easy Paper Peppermint Gift Tags | Damask Love

Easy Paper Peppermint Gift Tags | Damask Love

An important tip about supplies: For your sanity, you’ll wanna use a 2″ circle punch for this project. It’ll make your life a lot easier.  You’ll also need a ruler, pencil – and if you have it – a self-healing mat that has a grid on it. 

Now that we have the logistics figured out, let’s start the tutorial!

Easy Paper Peppermint Gift Tags | Damask Love

{1} Punch a 2″ red circle – simple enough, right?

{2} Now, use your ruler and gridded mat to draw lines down the center of the circle, which will divide the circle into four equal quadrants. Not too tough – it’s like you’re back in geometry class.

{3} This step requires a little attention – Use the circle punch and insert the circle as shown. You’ll want to punch the circle again so that the top of the circle punch touches the middle of the circle where the two lines cross. Make sense? If not…

{4}…this is what you should have when you complete step 3. Hopefully it makes a bit more sense now.

{5} You can discard the lower portion of the circle, we’ll only be working with the piece pictured.

Easy Paper Peppermint Gift Tags | Damask Love

{6} Okay! You made it this far – you’re almost there! Now, insert the moon shaped piece into the circle punch as shown. You want to use the center of the circle (where your pencil lines intersect) as a guide. Your punch should pivot at this intersection.

{7}…see what I mean?

{8} Continue pivoting and punching using that center point as a guide, until you have four punches. It’ll look like this.

{9}PHEW! Did you do it? If so, you’re home free! Next you just have to punch a 2″ circle from white cardstock and adhere the red pieces as shon.

{10} Adhere all four until you get the look of a peppermint.
Easy Paper Peppermint Gift Tags | Damask Love{11} Last up – punch a white oval…

{12} …then cut with the decorative scissors as shown.  These pieces will be adhered to the sides of the peppermint with glue.

Have you stuck in there with me through this tutorial? I hope so! It definitely is a teensy bit more complicated that most Easy Like Sunday Morning posts but I know you can handle a challenge!

Easy Paper Peppermint Gift Tags | Damask Love

Easy Paper Peppermint Gift Tags | Damask Love

Easy Paper Peppermint Gift Tags | Damask Love

Easy Paper Peppermint Gift Tags | Damask LoveI’d love to hear from you on this project! Will you give it a try? Let me know!


Keep on crafting with these other posts

18 thoughts on “Easy Like Sunday Morning: No. 20

  1. Oh my goodness, Amber, you are so clever, and lovely, and creative!
    I love this project, it is so very cute!
    I love your blog. I’m going to make the Hershey kiss witch today. those look so cute!
    Thank you, Amber!

  2. These are awesome Amber! And your tutorial is very well done, the pictures are great and you make it look easy. So I’m going to make some today! Thanks!

  3. Hi Amber,
    Adorable tags! I am going to try some of these. I also noticed it looks like you highlighted the colored pieces. Did you use copics for that? Also, what is the name of that lovely “To From” stamp you used? Thanks so much for sharing!

    1. So glad you like these! Yes, I did use copics to color a bit of the colored cardstock. It’s a simple shading technique that I use for a lot of the Easy Like Sunday Morning posts. For the “to/from” stamp – I used a stamp set from Papertrey Ink.

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