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Use glitter. Ask  questions later. Cardinal rule of crafting.

Ever since I posted this project, glitter has been a staple around here. I blame Martha Stewart. Well, not the actual Martha but you know…her company. Those people pump out glitter varieties like the Duggars pump out children…and I’m not one bit mad at em.

Neon tags are pretty popular right now. At least I think they are. Let’s pretend they are – since that would make today’s project a whole lot more relevant. I love the look of these simple tags – but let’s be honest – everything immediately become a grillion times more wonderful when glitter is involved. So that’s what we’re gonna do.  Just add glitter.

Easy DIY Neon Glitter Tags | Damask Love

Easy DIY Neon Glitter Tags | Damask LoveEasy DIY Neon Glitter Tags | Damask LoveThe tools and technique behind this project look a lot more complicated that you think. Take a good scroll through the photo tutorial and I’ll show you what I mean.

A note about the “hole puncher” : Being the seasoned crafter that I am, my hole puncher looks a bit like a torture device. In fact, it’s the world’s most awesome hole punching tool ever known to man: The Crop-a-dile. It punches through paper, wood, tin, chipboard…you get the idea. It also sets eyelets, snaps and the like. See, what I mean. Awesome. And so very necessary.

Easy DIY Neon Glitter Tags | Damask Love

{1-2} Run your tag through the sticker maker

{3} Peel the sticker from it’s paper

{4} Sprinkle the adhesive side of the sticker with glitter

{5} Rub in the glitter with your finger

{6} Shake It Out like Florence & The Machine to get rid of any excess glitter.

Easy DIY Neon Glitter Tags | Damask Love

{7} Punch .5″ circles from kraft cardstock

{8-9} Run the circle through the smaller Xyron sticker maker (link at the end of this post)

{10} Adhere circle to the top of the glitter tag

{11} Punch a hole through the circle as shown

{12} All done!

Easy DIY Neon Glitter Tags | Damask Love

Easy DIY Neon Glitter Tags | Damask Love

At this point, you can use these tags in whatever way your heart desires. Of course, this may just include staring at them for a few hours.   When the staring is done, go ahead and dress up a simple gift package with your creation.Easy DIY Neon Glitter Tags | Damask Love

Easy DIY Neon Glitter Tags | Damask LoveSupplyListHEader

Keep on crafting with these other posts

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