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I might be a little obsessed with today’s DIY. Ever since I saw THESE adorable coasters, I knew I wanted to create something similar…minus the sewing…because I’m not so great at sewing. Paper though? That I can handle… and I’ll bet that you can too, once I walk you through the process.

As a lucky member of the 12 Months of Martha team, every month I get the chance to play with my Martha Stewart supplies and create something to inspire you. Recently, I received a bunch of their paper punches …and you know how much I love paper punches! So today, I’m using basic shapes to create something stellar. I’ve made treat boxes in the past (here and here) and the technique is the same for this project. Here we go:

Summer Citrus Treat Boxes | Damask Love

Summer Citrus Treat Boxes | Damask Love


Martha Stewart Extra Large Circle Punch | Fiskars Scissors | Circle Cutter | Large Scoreboard

Summer Citrus Treat Boxes | Damask Love
Summer Citrus Treat Boxes | Damask Love Summer Citrus Treat Boxes | Damask Love Summer Citrus Treat Boxes | Damask Love

QuickTipUsing a circle cutter to create leaf shapes is very easy. Check out this post on DIY paper flowers to see how it’s done! It’s easy and quick.

Once my boxes were assembled, I glued a baker’s twine bow to the leaf for a little added embellishment. If you’d like, you can also add a cute tag, like I did to the orange treat box.

Summer Citrus Treat Boxes | Damask Love

Summer Citrus Treat Boxes | Damask Love

Summer Citrus Treat Boxes | Damask Love

Summer Citrus Treat Boxes | Damask Love SupplyListHEader

Keep on crafting with these other posts

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