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I get very excited about Cinco de Mayo. The food. The bold colors. The music. It gets me pretty ramped up. Or maybe it’s the huge pitcher of sangria that gets me ramped up. Either way, I’m in the mood for a fiesta.

Today, I’m taking some of the quintessential components of Cinco de Mayo and translating them into a few party-worthy projects that you can use year-round

Oh…my beloved mason jars. How do I love thee! And I love thee so much more when thee are filled to the brim with wine and decorated with tassels.

For this Cinco de Mayo inspired ensemble, I created a color coordinated trio of projects starting with the tissue tassels on each jar. They are the perfect amount of sass for these little jars.

Clear and Simple Stamps Style Watch: Cinco De Mayo Inspired | Damask Love Blog

Clear and Simple Stamps Style Watch: Cinco De Mayo Inspired | Damask Love Blog

And of course you’ll need something to sip from, right? This is where the Favor Flags dies come in handy! Of course you can stamp them with fun sentiments using By the Glass Sentiments stamp set, or…

Clear and Simple Stamps Style Watch: Cinco De Mayo Inspired | Damask Love Blog

The final piece of my ensemble is probably my favorite. Papel picado is a traditional decoration for Cinco de Mayo, but unless you already have a die for this, creating a banner of “perforated paper” can be a tad time consuming. By using my Doily die, I created the illusion of perforations.

Clear and Simple Stamps Style Watch: Cinco De Mayo Inspired | Damask Love Blog

Clear and Simple Stamps Style Watch: Cinco De Mayo Inspired | Damask Love Blog


By The Glass Sentiments | Favor Flags Dies | Favor Flags | Doily Die

Keep on crafting with these other posts

12 thoughts on “Style Watch: Cinco de Mayo Inspired Crafts

  1. Love that banner. A thought on the tassels….knot the end of the cord and put a bit of glue on it and roll it in the middle-same time as the pick. As you remove the pick,give the tassel a little squeeze around the cord.
    Your drink is beautiful. Enjoy.

  2. Really fun stuff! Love your tassels & that banner is terrific. Thanks for the great ideas.

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