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There’s a new printer in town and you’re going to LOVE it. With Valentine’s Day upon us, I figured I’d introduce you. Consider it a blind date of sorts.

His name is the Canon TS8020 printer – yeah, I know, weird name for a date but hey, roll with me on this one. He’s new in town but has tons of great qualities that you’re going to love.

He’s got a sleek, modern style and he’s dropped a few pounds. His new, more compact size is great for your workspace, since you don’t need much room for him. My very favorite thing about the Canon TS8020 is his rear…his rear paper feed tray, that is. (Get your mind out of the gutter!) The rear feed tray is perfect for loading your favorite craft paper and heavier cardstocks without worries of paper jamming. Then, of course, there’s wireless printing capabilities which means you don’t have to be tethered to your TS8020 in order to print. Every healthy relationship needs breathing room, right?

The Canon TS8020 comes from a family of really great printers, so if you still want to play the field a bit before settling down with your perfect match – take a look at your options.

And before you make your decision, how about I show you just how cool the Canon TS8020 printer is.

Printable Valentine Freezer Paper Treat Bags | damask love

Printable Valentine Freezer Paper Treat Bags | damask love

I teamed up with KBecca to create the most adorable printable treat bags…that are food safe, because we printed them directly onto freezer paper! Here’s how we did it:


BUT WHY FREEZER PAPER?!  Freezer paper is matte on one side and waxed on the other. The matte side is perfect for printing and the waxed side is  great for packaging foods because it protects oils from seeping through. With that nifty rear paper feeding tray, you can print with cool and different mediums like freezer paper.

Printable Valentine Freezer Paper Treat Bags | damask love

Trim the freezer paper roll into 8.5×11 sheets and load them into the rear tray of the TS8020 printer. From there you can print the treat bag designs. Once printed, score down the dotted lines…

Printable Valentine Freezer Paper Treat Bags | damask loveCut out the treat bag with scissors

Printable Valentine Freezer Paper Treat Bags | damask loveFold down the scored lines and adhere the back of the bag together with tape.

Printable Valentine Freezer Paper Treat Bags | damask loveFold up the bottom flap of the bag and adhere into place

Printable Valentine Freezer Paper Treat Bags | damask love

Printable Valentine Freezer Paper Treat Bags | damask love

Printable Valentine Freezer Paper Treat Bags | damask love

Printable Valentine Freezer Paper Treat Bags | damask love

Printable Valentine Freezer Paper Treat Bags | damask love

Printable Valentine Freezer Paper Treat Bags | damask love

One lucky reader will be awarded a long-term relationship with a pretty, pretty, printer. Enter to win below  by commenting on this post with why you’d love to win a brand new printer!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

and don’t forget to download your printable!

Printable Valentine Freezer Paper Treat Bags | damask love

This project was completed in partnership with Canon. All projects, photos and opinions are mine, mine, mine! Thanks for supporting the collaborations that keep the lights on in this joint!

Keep on crafting with these other posts

177 thoughts on “Printable Valentine Freezer Paper Treat Bags

  1. What a great idea – printing on freezer paper! I am so enjoying all the fun Valentine’s ideas! I made the Valentine’s mailbox last weekend. I think these treat bags with treats would be really cute in it! Thanks for all the inspiration you provide and the chance to win this great printer!

  2. This would be so cool to win!! I would be able to make all kinds of little class treats I find on Pinterest! From treat bags & Valentine’s Day to things for birthday parties! Thanks so much for the chance!

  3. I have a daughter getting married. Would work great for the invitations, rsvp cards, the signs. Everything to do with the wedding. I love the color. Tired of plain old black and white printers.

  4. I would love to have this for printing the handmade greeting cards I make. I use stamps but many times I don’t have a stamp that says what I’d like to say. I could type my sentiment & print it direct onto the heavy card stock with this printer!

  5. I love the red color! I would love to make playdough pages – so my boys can make faces, or designs on top of it. I actually don’t have a printer at home, and have been meaning to make these for their physical therapy. AND we should make these freezer paper bags too!

  6. i’d use this cute red printer for all my crafting needs from bags and boxes to cards, a perfect printer

    Thanks for sharing

  7. I’d like to print a few photos I have on Instagram. But really, anything in color! I only have a laser printer, black only.

  8. The amount of creative things to make are so endless! Ive got so many ideas for this printer! I absolutely love the collab & the fun valentines projects you’ve made. I’m all heart eyes over here! ?❤✨ I’ve been taking my own color photos for a while & have been wanting to capture them in a physical form, this printer would be perfect for that! (Also thanks for the freezer paper tip!!)

  9. What’s not to love! I would love to make embellishments and dashboards for my planner. My twins will be 16 next year. I see invitations being made!

  10. That rear paper feed would be awesome for a variety of things! I would LOVE to win it–thanks so much for the chance to win! Your treat bags are amazing!!!

  11. I would love to win this printer because I just started my paper crafting and handlettering journey and I think this would be a great asset to my arsenal.

  12. This is such a cute idea, plus now the possibilities are endless, now my brain is going into hyper speed thinking of all the ideas lol! Just think of all the holidays and special occasions you could use this idea for, So excited!! I need to make these.

  13. Because I have the cricut machine, and need an awsome printer like this one to do great things with both.
    I would love to win this printer!!
    I love you blog and all the stuff you post! You are great!
    Thank you!

  14. I would love this printer for my nursery and baby milestones printables. My current tprinter had a hard time printer on heavy cardstock and definitely would not be able to print on freezer paper.

  15. I am a knitter and a sewer and a homeschooling mama. I love paper craft and imagine that this printer and I would enjoy many an adventure together. Thank you for the opportunity!!!

  16. This is the CUTEST printer. I can’t wait to get my hands on that rear end (feeding tray). It’s so fine…for crafting and getting creative. The bonus for me is definitely knowing it comes from a good family – the Canon family. *wink*

    Loved your tutorial too and so happy you’ve taken the time to set us up on a blind date with Pixma TS8020.

  17. fun! I’ve used freezer paper in my cameo to cut throw away painting stencils but now the print & cut capabilities have been opened up even more. I think I’ll use these to put in my grand daughters Valentine’s care box. <3

  18. Omg these are awesome!!! Perfect for a candy buffet and use these bags. I would totally love to win this printer. This is amazing i have a hp and it SUCKS.. i could do go for this beautiful thing for a bday/vday gift. Thank you for all ypu do and ur ceeative ideas. Your awesome xoxo

  19. Although I am typically a one guy kinda gal, I bet my husband wouldn’t mind me bringing this guy into our house. ? I would love to use him for all of my various paper crafting exploits.

  20. First off it’s RED! Second the possibilities are endless from valentine cards, goodie bags, water bottle lables,stickers and the endless printable pins on Pinterest.

  21. Oh my love at 1st sight!!! (That’s for how I wish it was MINE xo)!!! We would be perfect for each other…My printer hates heavy cardstock and when I print my stickers, my electronic machine rarely recognizes the registration marks, so it is a waste of time and money on labels and ink. I am in a budget plan, so a printer is out of the plans for now, but I am a crafty girl always looking to create pretty stuff, with a young daughter with the same passion, so we all would be head over heels if we won.

    Thanks for the opportunity!


  22. This Printer would be amazing to make fun learning activities for my Son as well as Fun Crafting projects for myself!

  23. What’s fantastic is I love creating picture books as presents, albums to commemorate events and special trips, and dream boards for my own personal use at work and in my room at home. I’m a very “visual” memory maker, so any time I can print a memory and hold it “physically”, the better. Right now, I go to pharmacies or to online services to make the album/memory books. They come out great! And I use my public library’s printer to get crystal clear images of the pictures I use on my dream boards. (Or my “Royal Tapestries of Intention”) I love seeing the things I love in spaces/lights/colors/aesthetics that are just so well-composed and pleasing. They give my brain the same feeling that eating good food that makes you go “mmmmm” does. A brain-“mmmmm”. They calm me and motivate me at the same time. I’m a recent college grad working my FIRST big girl job in a field that, I can’t believe, is actually what I majored in and ACTUALLY what I adore. Keeping budgeting goals, setting dreams for myself, and prioritizing what’s important is VERY crucial to me right now. But dreaming about a bigger future with spaces that are as cozy and dreamy as I’ve always wanted and having the ability to travel… and being able to provide for a family and furnish my own home — that’s what I use the dream boards for. Getting to make those at home and not just the library would be so great! And kind of one more step closer to my dreams of getting to create my own magic! (Also. I adore you. I can’t believe just how fantastic you are. Your colors, your fun, your funky flirtiness, your verve for life and joy… I am so inspired to be better, keep dreaming, keep being colorful, and keep loving what I love as hard as I can. Dreams always find those with big open hands and open hearts! #carefreeblackgirls )

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