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If you ever need a lesson on etiquette – don’t come to me.  My mom gave me a copy of
Emily Post’s Etiquette…I never read it. I’ll probably pass it down to my daughter one day – maybe she can teach me a thing or two about manners.

I do know how to set a table, though. And, I do know which forks and spoons I’m supposed to use. I also know that you should always bring a small gift when attending a dinner party as someone’s home.

Typically, I’ll bring a bottle of good wine in a nice bag – maybe a cute wine tag if I have time.

With warm weather approaching and countless cookouts and picnics on the horizon, I thought I’d share this project which could be the perfect hostess gift for sunshine filled parties…and a great alternative to the oh-so-common bottle of wine.

This project was inspired by these fabby bottles from the Container Store:

Did you just die when you saw these? I mean – seriously – how fun!!!!!!
I opted for the orange bottle because I had a special little plan for it…to fill it with delicious, refreshing Homemade Sparkling Orangeade – the perfect beverage for an warm afternoon’s soiree!
Of course, the bottle needed some dressing up and a coordinating card for the hostess…
I created the coordinating card with a digital image that I found here – I love incorporating digital clip art into cardmaking. It’s a great way to find images that you might not have in your stamp stash.
I combined the glass with bubbles from the Stampendous Sushi Bowl Party Stamp set to add some fizzy fun ..and Hero Art Let’s Chill set provided the perfect sentiment!

I’m loving the colors in this card – and they coordinate PERFECTLY with the current Play Date Cafe Challnge #80 – so bright and screaming for summer!

Head over the Play Date Cafe to add your own project – or just take a look at the other wonderful creations!
Before I go – here’s the recipe for that Homemade Sparkling Orangeade!
Homemade Sparkling Orangeade (slight adaptation from Taylor’s Take a Taste)
1 cup sugar
1 cup water
3 cups Pellegrino (or other sparkling water)
1 cup fresh squeezed orange juice
1 tablespoon fresh squeezed lemon juice
1 tablespoon fresh squeezed lime juice
  • Dissolve sugar in 1 cup of water of medium heat to make simple syrup
  • Add  simple syrup to fruit juices
  • Add sparkling water
  • Chill and serve cold
That’s all from me for now – although I have another fun post going up today … so come back!!!
Have a wonderful day!
Bottle Wrap:
Stamps: Papertrey Ink Fruitful
Paper: Michael’s (white, orange)
Ink: Stampin Up (Tangerine Tango, Pumpkin Pie), Ranger Archival Ink Jet Black
Other: Container Store (Bottle), Papertrey Ink Banner die
Let’s Chill Card:
Stamps: Hero Arts Let’s Chill, Stampendous Sushi Bowl Party
Paper: Papertrey Ink (Stamper’s Select)
Ink: Ranger Archival Jet Black
Other: Tombow Watercolor Markers

Keep on crafting with these other posts

17 thoughts on “Let’s Chill Card & Bottle Set

  1. I am seriously jealous of places like the Container Store (and Michael’s and Hobby Lobby and Joanne’s etc). This island is lovely but it’s useless in the crafts department…
    This is an awesome summertime hostess gift. Can’t wait to try some of that orangeade!

  2. Love, love, LOVE this project, especially the simplicity of the design and the way your orange pops up and you let the stamps do the talking! FANTASTIC! Thanks so much for playing along with us this week at The Play Date Cafe!

  3. This is just too ‘cool’ (parden the pun)! Love your image & bright colours, they are sooo Summery. I am jealous… we are just heading into Winter.

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