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There is tiny. Then there is teeny-tiny. Then there is today project: the cutest little easter baskets you ever did see.

With only a few more days before Easter, you may be in need of some last minute treat ideas for friends and family. Good news : I’ve got you covered. You can create these cuties with supplies that are available at most craft stores …or of course you can order from the almighty Amazon Prime and the goods will be on your doorstep after just two sleeps.

Here’s how it’s done – just beware – you’ll want to make more than just one.Itty Bitty Paper Mache Easter Egg Baskets | Damask Love

Itty Bitty Paper Mache Easter Egg Baskets | Damask LoveSUPPLIES (product links at the end of the post)

  • Martha Stewart Glitter Shaker Set
  • Martha Stewart Iridescent Glitter
  • Paper mache egg
  • Martha Stewart Satin Paint
  • Martha Stewart Glitter Glue


{1} Use scissors and/or a small serrated knife to cut away the sides of the egg as shown

{2} Paint the egg in your choice of color

{3} Brush glitter glue onto the egg

{4}…making sure to cover the entire painted surface in glue

{5} Place the egg into the glitter shaker and shake glitter over the egg.  Close the shaker and shake it until the egg is completely covered with glitter.

{6} Set the glittered egg baskets out to dry until the glitter is securely in place and the glue has set.

Itty Bitty Paper Mache Easter Egg Baskets | Damask Love

These little baskets are seriously cute and so tiny. I finished them off with a small bow of twine around the center and a teeny bit of green paper shred to stand in as grass. If you are in need of something cute and easy for your Easter table, these would make for adorable place cards. Just add a tag or slip of paper with the guests name.

Itty Bitty Paper Mache Easter Egg Baskets | Damask Love

Itty Bitty Paper Mache Easter Egg Baskets | Damask Love

Itty Bitty Paper Mache Easter Egg Baskets | Damask LoveSupplyListHEader

Keep on crafting with these other posts

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