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Hold on to your hats and glasses friends, today’s tote is pretty doggone awesome. Remember last week’s clutch? Well ladies and jellyfish, this project may just take the cake when it comes to purses made from unsuspecting materials. This poor throw pillow didn’t see it coming. He was sitting there on the shelf at Target, minding his own business, hoping to soon take up residence on someone’s couch. Maybe cozy up for an afternoon nap. Welp, Mr. Throw Pillow, I had different plans for you. Namely gutting you of all your fluffy stuffing and turning you into a tote bag. Don’t worry, Mr. Throw Pillow, everyone is going to love the new you. You look so much thinner as a tote bag. If we’re being honest, you were looking a little thick around the midsection.

DIY No-Sew Throw Pillow Tote | damask love

What you need:


  1. Use scissors to open up one of the seams
  2. Pull out all that pillow stuffing!
  3. Use fabric glue to fold down the raw edges. I folded them over twice just to make sure they stay in place. Let the glue dry completely before moving to the next step.
  4. Attach grommets to the top of the tote bag. You’ll just need to follow the instructions on the grommets, but basically you will cut a small hole in the tote then hammer the grommets into place.
  5. Thread the rope through the grommets. I doubled the rope to create a thicker strap, but it’s totally up to you!
  6. Fold the strap back onto itself and then use a hot glue gun to secure
  7. Now use embroidery floss to add a pretty accent to the strap. I just wrapped and wrapped and wrapped until the embroidery floss was about 1″ wide, then you can use a snug knot and a dab of craft glue to keep the floss in place.

DIY No-Sew Throw Pillow Tote | damask love

Seriously, how easy and how cool is that! The only downside to this project is that all your throw pillows are now in extreme danger of being turned into totes.

DIY No-Sew Throw Pillow Tote | damask love

DIY No-Sew Throw Pillow Tote | damask love

Happy toting, friends! And if you’re still reading, I have three things for you. First,  a million love bucks, because I’m convinced that absolutely no one actually READS blog posts anymore. Second, if you are a snap chatter like me, you should probably make your way over and follow @damasklove because I’ve got a pretty cool announcement and you can get the jump on it before tomorrow’s post. Last, I’m thinkin’ I’ll hop on Periscope today. I’m headed to one of my favorite scrap stores and I’d love if you’d tag along.

Okay, home skillets. I’ll see you on the flipside. Whatever that means.


Keep on crafting with these other posts

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