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Elections are a big deal and no one loves to binge watch hours of political commentary like I do. But sometimes, I just have to take a step back and laugh at it all…otherwise you might get a little stir crazy. Sometimes it all becomes too much. Sometimes, we don’t want to hear hours on hours of speculation. Sometimes, we get tired of the partisanship. Sometimes, we just want to find something that we all can agree on…and I think I’ve found it. FOOD! We can all agree on food, right? Specifically, brunch! Brunch is the ultimate uniter. If we can’t agree on bacon, biscuits and unlimited mimosas, it’s hopeless.

I’ve created a pair of DIY funny election tee shirts that you can make yourself using the Cricut Explore. All you need is a plain tee and some red and blue iron-on vinyl.



Elections are important but sometimes it's okay to take a step back and have a little fun. Create your own DIY funny election tee shirts with the Cricut Explore.

Let me know which tee is your fave!


Keep on crafting with these other posts

15 thoughts on “DIY Funny Election Tee Shirts

  1. True story – Don Bacon just won the Republican primary here in Nebraska for a congressional seat. Because, really, who doesn’t love Bacon? Lol.

  2. I can’t choose – they are both Awesome! LOL I don’t know how you think this stuff up but I am glad you share it! I’m going to have to make one of these cool shirts – or both! 🙂

  3. Love the idea of stepping back from all of the political commentary right now, and you have done it perfectly with Bacon / Waffles! Perfect!

  4. It’s great to be back on your blog after such a long break. I’ve been looking forward to working on this project for quite some time.

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