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Presently, ChezKG is a pitiful display of holiday cheer. The tree is up and the ornaments are hung; we did get that far. Our menorah is missing a candle, and I’m not sure what happened to it. It was there a few days ago. There are a few remnants of Thanksgiving decor on the dining room table. I’ve decided that autumn leaves do have a certain Christmassy spirit to them…that’s what I’m telling myself.

This year has just been busy – especially the last couple of months. Next year, I plan on hiring a holiday decorating specialist to get this place into ship shape. Clearly, I can’t be trusted to make it happen!

On top of all my terrible holiday preparation, I have yet to purchase  I’m embarrassed for myself. I have really slacked on my usually holiday crafting. It’s bad people. I have a name for this: Procraftination. I’m a Christmas Procraftinator. I’ve waited until the last minute to get anything done – so I’m here to share an idea for procraftinators like me.

I was inspired by this post on the Clear & Simple Stamps blog to create some yummy and creative chocolate bark candy bars. It’s very easy and you likely have all the supplies on hand!

DIY Chocolate Bark Candy Bars Header


  • Dark Chocolate Chips, which you will melt over a double boiler or in the microwave.
  • A large-sentiment stamp set (I used Hero Arts Greetings for the Holidays)
  • A clear, food-safe box (I used these boxes from Clear Bags. This site offers a wide selection of food safe boxes.)
  • Assortment of chocolate bark toppings (e.g. dried apricots, dried cherries, toasted almonds, toasted cashews)

DIY Candy Bar Instructions

1) Trim off one of the sides of the box as showed, then use tape to secure the flaps on the outside of box lid.

2) Place one of the sentiment stamps inside of the box

3) Pour melted chocolate into the “mold”

4) Tap the mold gently to get a smooth finish on the top of your candy bars.

DIY Chocolate Bark with Toppings

Last, you’ll sprinkle the toppings on the melted chocolate then place the mold in the refrigerator until the chocolate is solid. Now for the reveal!!


One you remove the chocolate from the mold, you’re left with an AWESOME customized candy bar! Pretty cool, right?

Finished Chocolate Bark Candy Bar

And on the back of the chocolate bar are those yummy topping that make this treat extra special.

DIY Candy Bar Happy Holidays Close

When your chocolate bars are all done, grab your craft supplies and start creating some fun packaging!


I first wrapped each bar in chocolate, then created stamped wrappers and labels onto cardstock! These were super easy to make, so don’t be afraid to give it a try!

And before I go….


  • We’ve continued to have awesome support for Drawn Together! The dollar donation total is up to $4087.48 – I get chills typing that. I cannot believe your generosity! This money will go toward assembling additional kits beyond our initial goal of 50 as well as the assembly and delivery of these kits!
  • Join me on Instagram and Twitter to see photos of the process as more and more supplies arrive to the Drawn Together Project!
  • DoodleBox and Ribbon Carousel are both donating 10% of their sales to this cause! Damask Love sponsor, Lilly Belle Paperie has also joined the cause to supply ribbon for our kits! Lilly Belles will match your order yard for yard and send that ribbon directly to Drawn Together. If you buy one yard for yourself, Lilly Belle will send us one yard. If you buy 50 yards for yourself, Lilly Belle will send us 50 yards! When placing your order, please mention the Drawn Together project.
  • Given the immense response the Drawn Together, I will be reserving some of the assembled kits to share with the children of Newtown in the coming months after this tragedy. Yesterday, I spoke with a board member of the Everwonder Children’s Museum in Newtown who relayed the following message: “What I’m hearing from the families is that they feel okay right now, but they are scared for what will happen in a few months when everyone has forgotten.” Sadly, it is all too common for the donations to wane in the months and years following a tragedy like this, and I want to be sure that our efforts continue to be meaningful to this community well after the media has left and the donations have subsided.

Keep on crafting with these other posts

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