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Get your scrolling finger ready. There are a lot of photos. A LOT. Let’s do this…



The whole idea started a few months ago when a friend of mine told me she’d be throwing a superhero birthday party for her son. The obsession began! Personally, if I had a superpower, it would be the power to stop time…because Lord knows I need a few more hours in my day!

Vibrant primary colors gave this party a classic superhero vibe – which made it all the more believable when the kiddos showed up! Each placesetting at the superhero table had a personalized treat bag stuffed with all the essential superhero disguise items…handmade of course. Beware of the upcoming cuteness.


Superhero wristband

If ever there was a papercrafted party – this Superhero Picnic was it! From flags on the straws to labels for the spread, each element of our picnic had a handmade touch…and believe it or not, it wasn’t difficult to execute! For more deets on each of the handmade elements of this party, join me tomorrow for a special edition of Style Watch where I’ll share several behind the scenes tips and photos for creating a Superhero Bash of your own!


To maintain all that cuteness, these superheroes needed sustenance…and this party had plenty. Let’s dig in…

Pow Pretzels Packaging

Half the fun was coming up with names for each of the items in our picnic spread! Heroes? I mean – you gotta have heroes at a superhero party, right?!

Super "Heroes"

And perhaps my proudest moment was when I came up with “Chicken Salad Shazaam-wiches.” Seriously. Every once in a while, I’m awesome like that.

Chicken Salad Shazaam-Wiches

I repurposed this beverage basin from our wedding picnic to create a Power Hydration Station for quenching the thirst of the little superheroes!  Cuteness!

Power Hydration Station

After obsessing over all the papercrafted goodies for this picnic, I realized …a little late in the game…that these superheroes might want something to DO during the picnic. You can’t really expect two- and three- year olds to be satisfied with a well crafted party…those kiddos need some entertainment! Here’s what I came up with:

Build Your Own Supershield Station

A BUILD YOUR OWN SUPERSHIELD STATION!!! It’s amazing what fun you can have with paint, crayons and a few paper plates!


The “Build Your Own Supershield Station” was a HIT! Word to the wise: if you need to entertain a few little ones…give them paint. They will paint for HOURS! But don’t let them wear their good clothes…these kiddos got paint all over themselves. And on that note, I’d like to extend a hearty “You’re Welcome” to their parents who just loved those fashionable splatters of paint on everything.


The fun didn’t stop there either…as much as little kids love paint…you know what they love even more???

Super Hero Bubble Station

…BUBBLES! Perfect for practicing your super breath blowing…ya know…for superbreath emergencies.


 And if you can’t tell from the photos…Elijah was a particularly big fan of the bubbles! In addition to bubble-blowing and shield-making, I thought it would be a fun to have a….
Super Hero Registrationsign
You can’t just run around all willy-nilly with those super powers…you need to register them!
Super Hero Regstristration Card
…even the grown up superheroes got in on the registration fun!

PHEW! Did you make it through? Did you enjoy? I hope so! I think we’ve all earned a treat, dont’t you? Cupcakes any one?

The End of the Superhero Picnic

Keep on crafting with these other posts

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